


Filter items in Debug Offer for game versions different to SoD

Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 6 comments



Seen this a few times, it's just the "random green" items trigger a DB alert.

Should just always ignore random suffix items.

Item does not match ItemDB npcDrops!

Item ID: 14220
Item Name: [Geomancer's Cap of Stamina]
Quest Item: nil
Quest ID: nil
Container: Creature-0-5164-1-34-11785-0000266A26
Character: Lvl 49 HUMAN WARRIOR
Player Coords: [1443] (30.289, 65.233)
QuestLog: 3371, 659, 7067, 3661, 690, 4450, 4787, 735, 7065, 7041, 1364, 2846, 1454, 1701, 1452, 1265, 2991, 7028,
Client: 1.15.4 Era
Questie: v10.7.1
Locale: enUS

Questie version


Game flavor



Scrolls too. Do you want to record everything? I guess that's not a bad goal, but maybe a filter on the errors for "junk" like this that don't really matter. I'd suggest filtering out random greens, generic consumes, and probably all kinds of commodity goods.

Item does not match ItemDB npcDrops!

Item ID: 4424
Item Name: [Scroll of Spirit III]
Quest Item: nil
Quest ID: nil
Container: Creature-0-5162-0-13-765-00002D5C29
Character: Lvl 40 NIGHTELF DRUID
Player Coords: [1435] (12.884, 36.673)
QuestLog: 1364, 1106, 1448, 625, 707, 1423, 1360, 659, 2398, 1373, 1182, 198, 1425, 635, 1112, 866, 1107,
Client: 1.15.4 Era
Questie: v10.8.1
Locale: enUS


You are getting this, because of the "Enable bug hints for all game versions" setting.

As said when implementing/activating it: There wasn't much polishing to game versions outside of SoD, so filtering these useless items certainly is on the list to improve it. But that's rather low priority as the base DBs are already in great shape.

For now you can either disable the setting or keep adding things to this list.


Do you want everything? I see it a lot. (=

Hard to understand if scrolls or greens are valuable data for you to have here.

Only times I've seen it fire for "actual" quest items were things off rare spawns.

Like Molt Thorn didn't have a Questie tooltip showing I could look the book, but he dropped it for me. I would imagine these sorts of quest items were filtered out to keep from cluttering the map with a lot of excessive pats?

Anyway, give me some broad rules for what to report and I'd be happy to do so. (=


That's exactly why Molt has been removed from sources.


I think the data reporting tool should:

  1. Ignore rare spawns.
  2. Ignore Random Greens, like "... of the Monkey" type stuff.
  3. Ignore "commodity" items like cloth, scrolls, any consumes sold by a "vendor"... probably more to it, but that's a good starting place.
  4. Ignore pick-pocketed items.

Oh ha, Gray Equippable items also should be filtered out.

Item does not match ItemDB npcDrops!

Item ID: 2783
Item Name: [Shoddy Blunderbuss]
Quest Item: nil
Quest ID: nil
Container: Creature-0-5162-0-15-1024-000033648A
Character: Lvl 52 HUMAN WARRIOR
Player Coords: [1437] (14.534, 38.033)
QuestLog: 1452, 2993, 288, 1455, 735, 463, 1578, 594, 5283, 1701, 3371, 1618, 3790, 4128, 4787, 7066,
Client: 1.15.4 Era
Questie: v10.8.3
Locale: enUS