


[Counterattack!] quest marked as [20] and should be [20+]

WurmD opened this issue · 7 comments



[Counterattack!] quest marked as [20], it contains a lvl20 elite accompanied by an army of other mobs. It should be marked as [20+]

Questie version


Game flavor



My actions are prompted from a Hardcode perspective. I'd venture this Issue hasn't been Opened before because in non-hardcore it doesn't matter if Blizzard made a mistake in the quest level.

So, no, I'd propose only to correct quest levels upward, not downward


@Muehe says
"I think it might be saved in another field which we don't have in our DB, possible we get this info from the API."
"we simply don't have the data atm. We were planning on adding it soon™ though. It's a bit of work, not quite sure when I will get around to it."


The quest tag is based on the blizzard quest log. If that says [20] Elite, then we'll make it show [20+]. There are some quests that ARE level 40 elite, but the quest mob is level 25, based on your logic we should also change that one?


Well this quest is not marked as Elite by Blizzard so that's why Questie does not show as such.

In the past we always had the premise to mirror Blizzard as good as possible 🤷🏻‍♂️


I say leave it as it is, nothing that needs fixed here


GIven it's an easy fix, there is precedent in Questie, and I've MRed it, can we merge this?


We decided not to change this.

Blizzard marks this quest as non-Elite so Questie does the same. The goal of Questie is to be as close to the game as possible. Even if that means to be "less intuitive" like in this case.

There are other quests where Blizzard marks a quest as "Dungeon" quest even though you don't have to enter a Dungeon. Some quest level doesn't make any sense and also other quests involve an Elite are not marked as such. But again, this is not the goal of Questie to fix it.

Sorry and thanks for taking the time you invested to "fix" this ❤️