Tracker is using the wrong color for quest titles
Gogo1951 opened this issue · 2 comments
Tracker users the wrong difficulty color for quest titles.
This does fix itself, when I reload. But it keeps happening across multiple toons.
I'll zone into a dungeon, or change zones, and it'll be broken again.
Wrong colors.

Right colors.

Questie version
Game flavor
Hey @Gogo1951 can you reliably reproduce this issue? I am not able to reproduce it 🤔
I don't know how to get it to reproduce. I'll be on the lookout for better info. Sorry.
I see it most days that I quest for an hour or two... but like I said, it does fix itself with a /reload.
I just saw it yesterday, when I was questing on my Rogue. I looked over and all of a sudden a bunch of "60" level quests were gray to me as a 60.
I do have "sort by proximity on" and I've adjusted the text size, but all the other settings in the tracker are default.