Show Chain Details when you Open a Quest from a Link
Gogo1951 opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Currently it says "You are not eligible for this quest."
That sucks.
It should help a person figure out what they have to do to become eligible.
You have all the data to do this! (=
This would be a great place to show the chain -- like you see when you hold shift over a quest on a map.
Show the quest giver / item, and the quest in the chain -- maybe the zone the quest giver is in if you can. That would be soo much more helpful!
Something similar to WoWHead would be great here.
Suggestion for UX for chain quests.
# This quest is part of a chain
1. 60 - The First and the Last
Starts with Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind
Turned in to Starts with Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind
Requires level 56
Requires Blood Elf -- Example
Requires Friendly with Argent Dawn -- Example
2. 60 - Honor the Dead
Starts with Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind
Turned in to Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind
3. 60 - Flint Shadowmore
Starts with Master Mathias Shaw in Stormwind
Turned in to Flint Shadowmore in Eastern Plaguelands
4. 60 - The Eastern Plagues
SI:7 Insignia (Rutger)
SI:7 Insignia (Fredo)
SI:7 Insignia (Turyen)
Explore Zone
The Blightcaller Uncovered
Starts with Flint Shadowmore in Eastern Plaguelands
Turns in to Flint Shadowmore in Eastern Plaguelands
5. 60 - The Blightcaller Cometh
Starts with Flint Shadowmore in Eastern Plaguelands
Turns in to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind
6. 60 R - Order Must Be Restored
Nathanos Blightcaller slain
Starts with Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind
Turns in to Highlord Bolvar Fordragon in Stormwind