Quest 6027
anon1231823 opened this issue · 3 comments
Ok so this quest requires using the gem at the "Serpent Statue". The map/minimap shows "Serpent Statue" in English. I did a search in Questie files and it's not coming from an object, but rather hard coded word. Looks like a "fake object"
[400002] = { [] = "Serpent Statue", -- Desolace for quest 6027 [objectKeys.spawns] = {[zoneIDs.DESOLACE]={{28.24,6.67}}}, [objectKeys.zoneID] = zoneIDs.DESOLACE,
But strangely enough, there IS an object in the game with the name (screenshot below). But I don't know why it doesn't exist in wowhead database.
So I went ahead and take screenshots in every locale and will record the names here
["Serpent Statue"] = { ["ptBR"] = "Estátua de Serpente", ["ruRU"] = false, ["deDE"] = "Schlangenstatue", ["koKR"] = false, ["esMX"] = "Estatua de la Serpiente", ["enUS"] = true, ["zhCN"] = "毒蛇雕像", ["zhTW"] = "毒蛇雕像", ["esES"] = "Estatua de serpiente", ["frFR"] = "Statue de serpent",
Questie version
Game flavor
There is no API to get the ID of an ingame object. That makes it very hard to wowhead to get the actual ID of objects. Same goes for Questie, there are quite a lot of objects, but as with this case, not all. Therefore we sometimes add some "fake objects", to make sure something is something. The ID does not matter honestly as long as it is unique.
Questie uses the tooltip text to do a reverse lookup and find "the most matching object" based on that text/name.
Funny enough though, now that I take another look I found that 177673
is the correct ID for the Serpent Statue
I'll add it so you can add the translations you gathered for that ID, instead of the "fake object".