


Seperate icon toggles for map and minimap

mawmaw1 opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Would it be possible to implement seperate toggles for icons shown on map and minimap respectively?

For example I would like to disable quest objectives on the minimap, but keep Available / Completed quest icons.


I think the settings should be:


  • Toggle On / Off Display Different Colors for Different Quests

Show on Minimap

  • Toggle On / Off Display
  • Scale Slider
  • Transparency Slider

Show on Zone Map

  • Toggle On / Off Display
  • Scale Slider
  • Transparency Slider

Show on Continent Map

  • Toggle On / Off Display
  • Scale Slider
  • Transparency Slider

Show on World Map

  • Toggle On / Off Display
  • Scale Slider
  • Transparency Slider

Yeah this was added in recent releases actually, main options tab now has separate "enable map icons" and "enable minimap icons" checkboxes


Sorry I should have clarified. I already saw that update and appreciate it a lot!
But the thing I am requesting extends on that.

I would like to be able to individually toggle the different options seperately for the big map and the minimap.

Like for example only have the Available and Completed quest icons on the minimap, but ALL objects on the main map. That's not possible right now as far as I can see.


Ahh, yeah that would be useful to have, we should be able to add it sorry for closing so quickly


Maybe we can revisit this in the future, but there are higher priority things we need to look at first.


Any update on this? I would appreciate the option to toggle icons separately for the zone and continent map.


@Jinnai Sorry for the late response on this. No we didn't target this yet. We are very limited in time and manpower.