


Not compatible with TipBuddy + minor issues with 1.1 alpha

MOUZU opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Is there any possibility to make it compatible with TipBuddy?
"..\TipBuddy.lua:2576: attempt to concatenate local 'position' (a table value)"

the blizzard Tooltip is really bad anyways, I'd appreciate if there would be a way to use both addons but for leveling I suppose I have to turn TipBuddy off.

-- also there seems to be in 1.1 alpha some chat displays for dev reasons, which are spaming a lot.
mainly "UpdateQuestInZone" and "UPDATEFRAMEONTRACKER" but also on accepting quest some integer values.

besides that great work so far!


I didn't want to make a new issue because of this minor thing, but since 2.02 I'm getting "QuestieTracker.lua:107" attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'have' ( a nil value)" on my lvl 60 char, works fine for the low level char though
(and always a bug sound on logging off :D)


The line 107 error and instance errors have been fixed in v2.0.7


This bug is still active on minimap icon mouseover in Questie 3.1 with TipBuddy 2.22

Changing if (position) then to if (position and type(position) ~= 'table') then in line 2575 of TipBuddy.lua will fix this.


Have had a lot of problems with the tooltip trying to hook it after all other addons do... I will download tipbuddy and look into it, see if i can do something about it.


Also, we could always add a way to disable tooltip from questie for people who want to use other tooltips instead.