


FPS drop when in WestFall

paul-tian opened this issue · 9 comments


Bug description

Using Alliance Human Paladin, doing quests in westfall, enabling this add-on will cause immediately FPS drop when moving, standing still won't cause the drop

Questie version



Do you mind testing if this happens with all other addons disabled? It's questie's fault but may be related to #880

Also, can you post back if turning off/on vsync changes things? Not a solution, but would be useful to know for debugging


It could be related to #844 as well. @tic-toc-developer do you use "MinimapButtonBag" or any similar addons?


@AeroScripts I've tried to disable all add-ons and enable it one by one , finally I found the questie is the one that cause this fps drop situation, enable\disable V-sync won't affect the fps drop
It's weird because this situation only appears in Westfall, not Elwynn Forest, not Stormwind(Don't know if appears in other places, cause I'm not high level enough to wander around)

BTW I'm playing the Classic Version


@BreakBB Yes, I'm using the "MinimapButtonBag", and the FPS drop stopped after I disable it and enable the "Questie"


What’s more, enabling the Questie in Westfall will cause FPS drop even disabled “MinimapButtonBag”, from 75(which is locked by me) to about 40, maybe there are too many quest icons need to be shown?


Oh jeez. Will look into MinimapButtonBag bug today, a few people have had trouble, and there's probably something we can do on our end to prevent it from grabing the questie minimap icons


The FPS drop is likely due to minimap icon fade/glow. It's really inefficient right now and probably the source of the non-MBB lag

Another developer wrote some code to improve the fade logic but I haven't had the chance to properly test/include it yet (he didn't want to make a PR)


Glad we at least found one source of your issue. We already talked about MinimapButtonBag internally which somehow collects all the Questie icons instead of leaving them be.
As aero already stated other users have the same problem with this addon and we hope we can remove this conflict on our site.


This should be fixed with b574342 and will be included in the next release. Keep us updated if you have further issues.