


Show quests with overlapping circles instead of multiple of the same icons.

holland11 opened this issue · 4 comments


I find it difficult to see the different quests available to me in the same area when they are quests of the same type. For example, if there are 3 loot quests in a close proximity to each other, there are just a pile of bag icons all over the place. I'd love to be able to see them with circles instead similar to how retail does it (see this picture for clarity ).

Another option could be to colour the icons on the map so that you can clearly see which icons belong to different quests. Since there could be more quests than colours, maybe you could use a distance formula to attempt to only give 2 or more quests the same colour if they are far enough away from each other on the map.

Anyways, thanks for the great addon!


Merging this with #658

We will include this at some point in the future 🙏


Oh and with the next release there will be the option to color objectives differently! If you want to test it grab a copy of the master branch


Oh and with the next release there will be the option to color objectives differently! If you want to test it grab a copy of the master branch

Awesome, thanks so much for the quick reply and your work!


You're very welcome :)