Quest TTS

Quest TTS


Feature request: Read last accepted quest

vvanouytsel opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Loving the addon so far, great work!

I have a feature request that would be very handy in my opinion.

It would be great if we can bind a hotkey which reads the last quest you accepted. (The one that is at the top of the Quest windows that is always shown at your screen)

Alternatively it would be great to have a hotkey to automatically read the current text instead of clicking on othe play icon in the quest log. The problem I am having is that I am using Immersion and as soon as I accept a quest, the QuestTTS addons stops playing the text dialog. I would love to accept the quest and keep listening to the TTS which reads the quest.


I'm planning to add some kind of queue system so when you accept the quest or run away from the npc the tts keeps playing. With this kind of system do you think you still need the hotkey to play the last accepted quest?


That would help for sure. Perhaps a hotkey that you can use instead of clicking the play icon on the quest log would still be useful. I know you can automatically read everything, but sometimes I disable that and only enable it for certain quests.