Provide options
KalitaAlexey opened this issue ยท 16 comments
Hi. Personally, I could reduce width and disable actions (pull, leave group and etc), but some people probably wouldn't have an idea how to do it. Let me know if you're still maintaining this project. We could figure out means to implement it (if you didn't think of it). I could even provide a pull request at some point.
I would be interested in changes maybe you could create an options page in which you can deactivate or activate various things. A pull request would be an advantage.
I currently have to update many other add-ons so I didn't have time to change anything here.
Okay. I'll investigate how pages are created.
I'm thinking of the following options for starters:
- (Checkbox) Roll
- (Checkbox) Additional commands (dunno if it makes sense to make each one of them a separate option, people I asked didn't need any of them, but having roll is nice)
- (Select) Anchor point: Left or Right (currently it's always left, but some layouts could prefer it to be right aligned)
I'll also investigate if there is a way to change the width of a button based on its text.
I think leave group we can delete but the others like pull, ready and roll we should enabe or disable. The size is a problem for me too it's very width but nothing I try wil work ๐
Have you tried
Options page can be implemented via code or xml. What way do you prefer?
Since you put so much effort into it, you can decide that. Take what is easier for you.
I'll choose lua then. XML is more beautiful, but lua gets the job done + it'll be easier to modify.
At the beginning I tried to make a settings page, but then gave up. Must be from back then.
Is there a reason you believe QC is a safe prefix to use and that it won't overlap?
I'm not very familiar with WoW addons. Do you think QuickChat_Point and QuickChat_Settings is a better alternative?
if (arg1 == "QC_Settings" and type(QC_Settings)~="table") or not QC_Settings then QC_Settings={bt=1}; end
I see that arg1
contains the addon name. Does it happen for you that it contains QC_Settings?
I must go to work now. If you want to change or improve something, just do it and make a pull request. I will then look at it and test it. Thank you very much for your effort.