Legion first aid quests and items ids
warkol66 opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Hi, in case someone wants to add legion first aid quests to the ignore list
-- First Aid
[42350] = 139534, -- Bloody Letter
[42255] = 139522, -- Bloody Note
[42308] = 139527, -- Bloody Plea
[42351] = 139535, -- Bloody Prayer
[42309] = 139528, -- Bloody Request
[42333] = 139524, -- Crumpled Letter
[42334] = 139525, -- Crumpled Note
[42058] = 139531, -- Crumpled Request
[42323] = 139523, -- Fevered Letter
[42303] = 139526, -- Fevered Note
[42250] = 139520, -- Fevered Plea
[42345] = 139532, -- Fevered Prayer
[41985] = 139529, -- Fevered Request
[42215] = 139530, -- Singed Letter
[42245] = 139521, -- Singed Note
[42340] = 139533, -- Singed Plea
Great addon!!
I'm assuming that the general user wants to do those quests, and others can blacklist them through the config in-game (/quickquest
Well, that's arguable, if you already did all the quests for the achievement and you are 800 in first aid, there is no point to repeat the quests.
The problem it's that if you already have quickquest, you will never see the item to add to the ignore list via the interface.
Just posted the list to save some time looking for the items and quests ids
Fair point. I'll leave this issue open and add them when BfA is live, if they still exist.
Hi again, unfortunately adding first aid quest items to the personal blacklist didn't work.
Edited SavedVariables\QuickQuest.lua added the items, open WOW and confirmed items are in blacklist via /qq, but today I looted one of those items and the quest was "auto-accepted".
Maybe there is no way to block auto-accept this kind of quest....
Anyway, thanks for the addon
QuickQuest does not auto-start quests from items, the game itself does that.
See #19
Yeap, I know, maybe my English it's not good enough to express my self.
I'm not blaming QuickQuest for this, just tried to figure out how to block legion First Aid quest to be accepted at all. Rewards is ridicules, doesn't count to dailies, etc. (I'm blaming blizzard for this lol )
I was trying to emulate the behavior of other items such as Darkmoon fair, etc, but since the item doesn't stay in inventory, seems not to be able to be blocked by QQ blacklist, that's it ...
Really don't know why, so thought could be useful to post the info for someone with more knowledge of addons, wow client etc.
Hope didn't distracted much