RaidFrameSettings - Blizzard Raid Frames Customization

RaidFrameSettings - Blizzard Raid Frames Customization


[Feature Request] Offensive Overlay module

edumserrano opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Similar to the existing Defensive Overlay but for offensive cooldowns. As a healer, currently the only way I have to track active offensive buffs on party members is to set the ones I want to see using an aura groups right? Or perhaps also using the Buffs module Watchlist? This is a bit tedious though as there are many classes and many spell IDs to add to the aura group.

I feel an Offensive Overlay module would add great value. What are your thoughts @Slothpala ?


Hey yes, this is planned! I need to find some time and research all the aura spellId's of the attacks though, but it will come at some point!