RaidbuffStatus Continued

RaidbuffStatus Continued


Issues talents and miss pet detection

Lumiahna opened this issue ยท 2 comments


From Slaty: it looks like it does not handle correctly the talents Lonely Winter (mage) and Lone Wolf (hunter). It indicates missing pets for those players. I have not met a warlock yet, so no idea if Grimoire of Sacrifice is affected too.


if class == "HUNTER" then
needspet = not unit.hasbuff[BS[155228]] -- Lone Wolf
elseif class == "WARLOCK" then
needspet = not unit.hasbuff[BS[108503]] -- Grimoire of Sacrifice

Well we shouldn't be aware of Hunt and Warlock because talents has been added on call pet detection.

elseif class == "MAGE" then
if raid.classes.MAGE[name].spec == 3 then -- frost
needspet = true
needspet = false

Meanwhile I forgot to add Mage talent id 205024 as Lonely Winter wich allow Mage to play without water elemental pet.


Well it seems mage/hunter/warlock doesn't have a buff now on the following spells above.
Need to look at talents directly which may increase load time and resources if you're in a large group.