Raider.IO Mythic Plus, Raid Progress, and Recruitment

Raider.IO Mythic Plus, Raid Progress, and Recruitment


Error when hovering over people in LFG tool

FabianKool opened this issue · 10 comments


Hi! Since the new Season, I keep getting very often Lua errors, when I try to hover over someone to see their rio stats. If this happens, a reload won’t help either and it litterly happens for everyone signing via the LFG tool. I get the following Lua message:

Message: Interface/FrameXML/LFGList.lua:1877: bad argument #1 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
Time: Sun Nov 19 22:15:09 2023
Count: 1
Stack: Interface/FrameXML/LFGList.lua:1877: bad argument #1 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `format'
[string "@Interface/FrameXML/LFGList.lua"]:1877: in function <Interface/FrameXML/LFGList.lua:1851>

Locals: (*temporary) = "%s %s"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "Mage"
(*temporary) = "string expected, got nil"


This is happening every time when you hover over someone who applied as part of a group.
Tested with all other addons disabled.



From what I tried, I get this issue with every addon disabled (including RaiderIO), so I don't think it's related to us? :/



From what I tried, I get this issue with every addon disabled (including RaiderIO), so I don't think it's related to us? :/

I have tried and if this addon is disabled, I don't get the error.

It comes from this call:
CLUB_FINDER_LOOKING_FOR_CLASS_SPEC:format(PlayerUtil.GetSpecNameBySpecID(specID), classSpecializationName);

And I guess it's because they changed C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo to return one more variable.

From what I understood from a brief look at the latest commit, this might be a bug but even if it is, god knows when they intend to deploy the fix and I am sure there is a workaround that this addon can do in the meanitme.


Is it the same error as in the original post?

Make sure to show Lua error with /console scriptErrors 1


Is it the same error as in the original post?

Make sure to show Lua error with /console scriptErrors 1

It is 100% the same every time. Every temporary variable, even the Mage.


Yeaa, I really hope this addon can find a temp fix, cause blizz aint gonna fix if for a long time


@FabianKool I wonder, do you get the error when RaiderIO is disabled? Or is it like hollo6?
Make sure to run /console scriptErrors 1 as well just in case


Ok, so a sum up of our search (thanks @Vladinator for the help!)

Here's the issue we get:

We also get this when hovering on an Evoker:

This is related to around this line of code: (blizzard code here)

To debug some more, we ran:

/run T={} local r,k hooksecurefunc(C_LFGList,"GetApplicantMemberInfo",function(i,j)if r then return end r=1 k=format("%d_%d",i,j)T[k]={C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo(i,j)}r=nil end)

Which allowed us to see in detail the variables returned by C_LFGList.GetApplicantMemberInfo

Here's what we see for a Paladin:

Numbers 14 is factionId, 15 classId and 16 specId, and it returns 0.

For the Evoker, we see this:

And we can see that the specId is 3201340112.

All this to say, I don't think RaiderIO trigger the issue, and I'm not sure how we could fix it?


This is this issue that was created on the WoWUIBugs repo: Stanzilla/WoWUIBugs#502


Created WeakAura with temporary fix if anyone wants: Fix Error LFGList.lua:1877. It makes GetSpecNameBySpecID to return empty string instead of nil when no real specID is passed.