


Ability Testing Statuses

KevinTyrrell opened this issue ยท 3 comments


All of the following abilities must be tested to ensure they are working properly.

Spell Alert Name Description Status Reason
Adrenaline Rush ... UNTESTED
Aimed Shot ... UNTESTED
Arcane Power ... UNTESTED
Banish ... UNTESTED
Barkskin ... UNTESTED
Battle Stance ... FIXED: v2.1.0 v2.0.1 Stance alerts fire when Warriors zone/phase into view. AURA_APPLIED is unsafe.
Berserker Rage ... UNTESTED
Berserker Stance ... FIXED: v2.1.0 v2.0.1 Stance alerts fire when Warriors zone/phase into view. AURA_APPLIED is unsafe.
Bestial Wrath ... UNTESTED
Blade Flurry ... UNTESTED
Blessing of Freedom ... UNTESTED
Blessing of Protection ... UNTESTED
Blessing of Protection Down ... UNTESTED
Blessing of Sacrifice ... UNTESTED
Blind ... UNTESTED
Blind Down ... UNTESTED
Blind Enemy ... UNTESTED
Blind Friend ... UNTESTED
Blood Fury ... UNTESTED
Cannibalize ... UNTESTED
Cold Blood ... UNTESTED
Cold Snap ... UNTESTED
Combustion ... UNTESTED
Concussion Blow ... UNTESTED
Counterspell ... UNTESTED
Dash ... WORKING v2.0.1
Death Coil ... UNTESTED
Death Wish ... UNTESTED
Death Wish Down ... UNTESTED
Defensive Stance ... FIXED: v2.1.0 v2.0.1 Stance alerts fire when Warriors zone/phase into view. AURA_APPLIED is unsafe.
Desperate Prayer ... WORKING v2.0.1
Deterrence ... UNTESTED
Deterrence Down ... UNTESTED
Disarm ... UNTESTED
Riposte ... UNTESTED
Divine Favor ... UNTESTED
Divine Shield ... UNTESTED
Divine Shield Down ... UNTESTED
Earthbind Totem ... UNTESTED
Elemental Mastery ... UNTESTED
Enrage ... UNTESTED
Entangling Roots ... UNTESTED
Escape Artist ... UNTESTED
Evasion ... UNTESTED
Evasion Down ... UNTESTED
Evocation ... UNTESTED
Fear Warlock Spell TO BE IMPLEMENTED
Fear Ward ... Confirmed Broken v2.0.1 v2.0.1 has the same problem the stances did.
Fel Domination ... UNTESTED
First Aid ... WORKING v2.0.1
Freezing Trap ... UNTESTED
Frenzied Regeneration ... UNTESTED
Grounding Totem ... UNTESTED
Hammer of Justice ... UNTESTED
Astral Recall ... UNTESTED
Hearthstone ... UNTESTED
Hibernate ... UNTESTED
Ice Block ... Confirmed Broken v2.0.1 v2.0.1 The source flags do not match the expected. (66840 when dueling a Mage)
Ice Block Down ... UNTESTED
Improved Hamstring ... UNTESTED
Inner Focus ... WORKING v2.0.1
Innervate ... UNTESTED
Intimidation ... UNTESTED
Lesser Invisibility Potion ... UNTESTED
Invisibility Potion ... UNTESTED
Last Stand ... UNTESTED
Mana Burn ... UNTESTED
Mana Tide Totem ... UNTESTED
Mind Control ... UNTESTED
Nature's Grasp ... UNTESTED
Nature's Swiftness ... UNTESTED
Polymorph ... Confirmed Broken v.2.0.1 v2.0.1 The source flags do not match the expected. (66840 when dueling a Mage)
Polymorph Down ... UNTESTED
Polymorph Enemy ... UNTESTED
Polymorph Friend ... UNTESTED
Polymorph Friend2 ... UNTESTED
Power Infusion ... UNTESTED
Preparation ... UNTESTED
Presence of Mind ... UNTESTED
Pummel ... UNTESTED
Rapid Fire ... WORKING v2.0.1
Readiness ... UNTESTED
Recklessness ... Reported Broken v2.0.1
Recklessness Down ... UNTESTED
Fire Reflector ... UNTESTED
Frost Reflector ... UNTESTED
Shadow Reflector ... UNTESTED
Repentance ... UNTESTED
Jumper Cables ... UNTESTED
Ancestral Spirit ... UNTESTED
Rebirth ... UNTESTED
Redemption ... UNTESTED
Resurrection ... UNTESTED
Retaliation ... UNTESTED
Revive Pet ... UNTESTED
Sap Enemy ... UNTESTED
Sap Friend ... UNTESTED
Scare Beast ... UNTESTED
Scatter Shot ... UNTESTED
Seduction ... UNTESTED
Shackle Undead ... UNTESTED
Shield Bash ... UNTESTED
Shield Wall ... UNTESTED
Shield Wall Down ... UNTESTED
Silence ... UNTESTED
Sprint ... UNTESTED
Stealth ... WORKING v2.0.1
Prowl ... UNTESTED
Stoneform ... UNTESTED
Concussion Blow2 ... UNTESTED
Hammer of Justice2 ... UNTESTED
Summon Imp ... UNTESTED
Summon Felhunter ... UNTESTED
Summon Voidwalker ... UNTESTED
Summon Succubus ... UNTESTED
Inferno ... UNTESTED
Ritual of Doom ... UNTESTED
Sweeping Strikes ... UNTESTED
Tranquility ... UNTESTED
Tremor Totem ... UNTESTED
Vanish ... UNTESTED
War Stomp ... UNTESTED
Will of the Forsaken ... UNTESTED
Wyvern Sting ... UNTESTED

A few I can at least say are broken is:


A few I can at least say are broken is:

I'll investigate why these aren't firing. Thank you. If you find any more please make additional comments here.


Great addon, thanks for making it! A bit late to the party but I've tested it a bit.

Can confirm the following spells working:
Sweeping Strike
Scatter Shot
Polymorph, but only down, friend polymorphed seems to work as well
Will of the Forsaken
Blade Flurry
Freezing Trap
Death Coil
Aimed shot
Death Wish up and down
Mana Burn
Mana Tide Totem