Support pet low rank notifications
SabreValkyrn opened this issue ยท 7 comments
Some abilities are tied to hunters themselves so already a part of #7's work.
Also need to map current pet to owner.
- Update AbilityData
- Support own pet
- Support party/raid pets
- Set pet name in whisper to hunter owner
Current code works but is a bit brutish, these might be useful.
Looks like cache will also needs tweaked, the owner lookup and maxRank cache will be invalid everytime the pet is summoned.
For Pet GUIDs the spawnUID component encodes a unique identifier in the low 32 bits, similar to Player GUIDs, and a wrapping counter in the upper 8 bits representing the number of times the pet has been summoned.
local guid = UnitGUID("target")
local unitType, _, _, _, _, _, spawnUID = strsplit("-", guid)
if unitType == "Pet" then
local petUID = string.sub(spawnUID, 3)
local spawnIndex = tonumber(string.sub(spawnUID, 1, 2), 16)
print("Unique Pet ID:", petUID)
print("Spawn index:", spawnIndex)
> "Pet-0-4234-0-6610-165189-0202F859E9"
> "Unique Pet ID:", "02F859E9"
> "Spawn index:", 2
Potentially helpful notes
The GSheet seems to already have pet abilities so data curation is done "raidpetN"
Taking a look at pet support more and it's... complicated.
I was making some progress on figuring out if a pet was in group, and almost got pet->hunter figured out for whispers.
However, the spells seems to differ.
Dash (pet learned) GSheet has
Hunter | Dash | 30 | 1 | 23100
Hunter | Dash | 40 | 2 | 23111
Hunter | Dash | 50 | 3 | 23112
but when I cast Dash Rank 3, SpellID 23110 hits the combat log.
Petopia doesn't seem to reference spellIDs
Similarly with Growl (hunter trainer)
Hunter | Growl | 1 | 1 | 1853
Hunter | Growl | 10 | 2 | 14922
Hunter | Growl | 20 | 3 | 14923
Hunter | Growl | 30 | 4 | 14924
Hunter | Growl | 40 | 5 | 14925
Hunter | Growl | 50 | 6 | 14926
Hunter | Growl | 60 | 7 | 14927
Hunter | Growl | 70 | 8 | 27344
My lvl 57 pet cast Growl Rank 6, which hit combat log as SpellID 14920
So I think all the pet data needs revisited, but not yet sure how to curate the data accurately without trying to train and use every rank along the way.
From MSBTParser.lua
-- Loop through all of the group members and add their pets and pet's class to the maps.
local unitPrefix = IsInRaid() and "raidpet" or "partypet"
local numGroupMembers = GetNumGroupMembers()
for i = 1, numGroupMembers do
local unitID = unitPrefix .. i
if (UnitExists(unitID)) then
-- XXX: This call is returning nil for party members in certain circumstances - need to debug further.
local guid = UnitGUID(unitID)
if (guid ~= nil) then
petMap[guid] = unitID
if (not classMap[guid]) then _, classMap[guid] = UnitClass(unitID) end
classTimes[guid] = nil
end -- Loop through group members
-- Add the player's pet and its class if there is one. Treat vehicles as the player instead of a pet.
if (petName) then
local unitID = "pet"
local guid = UnitGUID(unitID)
if (guid == UnitGUID("vehicle")) then unitID = "player" end
petMap[guid] = unitID
if (not classMap[guid]) then _, classMap[guid] = UnitClass(unitID) end
classTimes[guid] = nil
Looks like has the properly referenced abilities for pets, so should be a matter of scraping that akin to the class abilities.
Gogo processed list
ID | Level | Name | Rank |
33698 | 50 | Anguish | 1 |
33699 | 60 | Anguish | 2 |
33700 | 69 | Anguish | 3 |
17253 | 1 | Bite | 1 |
17255 | 8 | Bite | 2 |
17256 | 16 | Bite | 3 |
17257 | 24 | Bite | 4 |
17258 | 32 | Bite | 5 |
17259 | 40 | Bite | 6 |
17260 | 48 | Bite | 7 |
17261 | 56 | Bite | 8 |
27050 | 64 | Bite | 9 |
6307 | 4 | Blood Pact | 1 |
7804 | 14 | Blood Pact | 2 |
7805 | 26 | Blood Pact | 3 |
11766 | 38 | Blood Pact | 4 |
11767 | 50 | Blood Pact | 5 |
27268 | 62 | Blood Pact | 6 |
7371 | 1 | Charge | 1 |
26177 | 12 | Charge | 2 |
26178 | 24 | Charge | 3 |
26179 | 36 | Charge | 4 |
26201 | 48 | Charge | 5 |
27685 | 60 | Charge | 6 |
16827 | 1 | Claw | 1 |
16828 | 8 | Claw | 2 |
16829 | 16 | Claw | 3 |
16830 | 24 | Claw | 4 |
16831 | 32 | Claw | 5 |
16832 | 40 | Claw | 6 |
3010 | 48 | Claw | 7 |
3009 | 56 | Claw | 8 |
27049 | 64 | Claw | 9 |
30213 | 50 | Cleave | 1 |
30219 | 60 | Cleave | 2 |
30223 | 68 | Cleave | 3 |
17767 | 18 | Consume Shadows | 1 |
17850 | 26 | Consume Shadows | 2 |
17851 | 34 | Consume Shadows | 3 |
17852 | 42 | Consume Shadows | 4 |
17853 | 50 | Consume Shadows | 5 |
17854 | 58 | Consume Shadows | 6 |
27272 | 66 | Consume Shadows | 7 |
1742 | 5 | Cower | 1 |
1753 | 15 | Cower | 2 |
1754 | 25 | Cower | 3 |
1755 | 35 | Cower | 4 |
1756 | 45 | Cower | 5 |
16697 | 55 | Cower | 6 |
27048 | 65 | Cower | 7 |
23099 | 30 | Dash | 1 |
23109 | 40 | Dash | 2 |
23110 | 50 | Dash | 3 |
19505 | 30 | Devour Magic | 1 |
19731 | 38 | Devour Magic | 2 |
19734 | 46 | Devour Magic | 3 |
19736 | 54 | Devour Magic | 4 |
27276 | 62 | Devour Magic | 5 |
27277 | 70 | Devour Magic | 6 |
23145 | 30 | Dive | 1 |
23147 | 40 | Dive | 2 |
23148 | 50 | Dive | 3 |
34889 | 1 | Fire Breath | 1 |
35323 | 60 | Fire Breath | 2 |
2947 | 14 | Fire Shield | 1 |
8316 | 24 | Fire Shield | 2 |
8317 | 34 | Fire Shield | 3 |
11770 | 44 | Fire Shield | 4 |
11771 | 54 | Fire Shield | 5 |
27269 | 64 | Fire Shield | 6 |
3110 | 1 | Firebolt | 1 |
7799 | 8 | Firebolt | 2 |
7800 | 18 | Firebolt | 3 |
7801 | 28 | Firebolt | 4 |
7802 | 38 | Firebolt | 5 |
11762 | 48 | Firebolt | 6 |
11763 | 58 | Firebolt | 7 |
27267 | 68 | Firebolt | 8 |
25027 | 0 | Flamethrower | 1 |
24604 | 10 | Furious Howl | 1 |
24605 | 24 | Furious Howl | 2 |
24603 | 40 | Furious Howl | 3 |
24597 | 56 | Furious Howl | 4 |
35290 | 1 | Gore | 1 |
35291 | 8 | Gore | 2 |
35292 | 16 | Gore | 3 |
35293 | 24 | Gore | 4 |
35294 | 32 | Gore | 5 |
35295 | 40 | Gore | 6 |
35296 | 48 | Gore | 7 |
35297 | 56 | Gore | 8 |
35298 | 63 | Gore | 9 |
2649 | 1 | Growl | 1 |
14916 | 10 | Growl | 2 |
14917 | 20 | Growl | 3 |
14918 | 30 | Growl | 4 |
14919 | 40 | Growl | 5 |
14920 | 50 | Growl | 6 |
14921 | 60 | Growl | 7 |
27047 | 70 | Growl | 8 |
30151 | 52 | Intercept | 1 |
30194 | 61 | Intercept | 2 |
30198 | 69 | Intercept | 3 |
7814 | 20 | Lash of Pain | 1 |
7815 | 28 | Lash of Pain | 2 |
7816 | 36 | Lash of Pain | 3 |
11778 | 44 | Lash of Pain | 4 |
11779 | 52 | Lash of Pain | 5 |
11780 | 60 | Lash of Pain | 6 |
27274 | 68 | Lash of Pain | 7 |
7870 | 32 | Lesser Invisibility | 1 |
24844 | 1 | Lightning Breath | 1 |
25008 | 12 | Lightning Breath | 2 |
25009 | 24 | Lightning Breath | 3 |
25010 | 36 | Lightning Breath | 4 |
25011 | 48 | Lightning Breath | 5 |
25012 | 60 | Lightning Breath | 6 |
19480 | 42 | Paranoia | 1 |
4511 | 12 | Phase Shift | 1 |
35387 | 15 | Poison Spit | 1 |
35389 | 45 | Poison Spit | 2 |
35392 | 60 | Poison Spit | 3 |
24450 | 30 | Prowl | 1 |
24452 | 40 | Prowl | 2 |
24453 | 50 | Prowl | 3 |
7812 | 16 | Sacrifice | 1 |
19438 | 24 | Sacrifice | 2 |
19440 | 32 | Sacrifice | 3 |
19441 | 40 | Sacrifice | 4 |
19442 | 48 | Sacrifice | 5 |
19443 | 56 | Sacrifice | 6 |
27273 | 64 | Sacrifice | 7 |
24640 | 8 | Scorpid Poison | 1 |
24583 | 24 | Scorpid Poison | 2 |
24586 | 40 | Scorpid Poison | 3 |
24587 | 56 | Scorpid Poison | 4 |
27060 | 64 | Scorpid Poison | 5 |
24423 | 8 | Screech | 1 |
24577 | 24 | Screech | 2 |
24578 | 48 | Screech | 3 |
24579 | 56 | Screech | 4 |
27051 | 64 | Screech | 5 |
6358 | 26 | Seduction | 1 |
26064 | 20 | Shell Shield | 1 |
6360 | 22 | Soothing Kiss | 1 |
7813 | 34 | Soothing Kiss | 2 |
11784 | 46 | Soothing Kiss | 3 |
11785 | 58 | Soothing Kiss | 4 |
27275 | 70 | Soothing Kiss | 5 |
19244 | 36 | Spell Lock | 1 |
19647 | 52 | Spell Lock | 2 |
17735 | 24 | Suffering | 1 |
17750 | 36 | Suffering | 2 |
17751 | 48 | Suffering | 3 |
17752 | 60 | Suffering | 4 |
27271 | 63 | Suffering | 5 |
33701 | 69 | Suffering | 6 |
19478 | 32 | Tainted Blood | 1 |
19655 | 40 | Tainted Blood | 2 |
19656 | 48 | Tainted Blood | 3 |
19660 | 56 | Tainted Blood | 4 |
27280 | 64 | Tainted Blood | 5 |
26090 | 30 | Thunderstomp | 1 |
26187 | 40 | Thunderstomp | 2 |
26188 | 50 | Thunderstomp | 3 |
27063 | 60 | Thunderstomp | 4 |
3716 | 10 | Torment | 1 |
7809 | 20 | Torment | 2 |
7810 | 30 | Torment | 3 |
7811 | 40 | Torment | 4 |
11774 | 50 | Torment | 5 |
11775 | 60 | Torment | 6 |
27270 | 70 | Torment | 7 |
35346 | 60 | Warp | 1 |