


Rise of Azshara: Add new collectibles

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Research is needed. And time, lots of time.


  • Rare Drops
  • World Drops
  • Chests: Need to track the opening spell
  • Paragon Rewards
  • Stratholme Dungeon Rewards
  • Island Expeditions
  • TBD

Missing still:

  • UiMapIDs for the coordinate waypoints (this is easy)
  • Defeat detection for Rares (Quest IDs needed)
    • Tidemistress Leth'sindra
    • Amethyst Spireshell
    • Avarius
    • Rockweed Shambler (haha, no...)
    • Needlespine
    • Carnivourous Lasher (verification only)
    • King Gakula
    • Blindlight
    • Elderspawn Nalaada
    • Mirecrawler
    • Reclamation Rig (verification only)
  • Testing: Defeat detection
  • Testing: Eternal Palace (LFR)
    • Za'qul (tooltip mostly)
    • Queen Azshara (tooltip mostly)
  • Tracking for Arcane Chest (Opening spell ID is needed)
  • Testing: Arcane Chest detection
  • Tracking for Glimmering Chest (Opening spell ID is needed)
  • Testing: Glimmering Chest detection
  • Tracking for Pile of Coins (Opening spell ID is needed)
  • Testing: Pile of Coins detection
  • Mechagon Dungeon collectibles
  • Testing: Mechagon Dungeon
    • Tracking for Mechagon Peacekeeper
    • Defeat detection for Mechagon Peacekeeper
    • Tracking for Golden Snorf
    • Defeat detection for Golden Snorf
    • Tracking for Microbot 8D
    • Defeat detection for Microbot 8D
  • Drop rates are inaccurate where PTR data was used (need to re-check and use live data)
  • Need a drop rate for the Reclamation Rig event, then add the container (USE method)


Rare Drops:

Island Expeditions:

The Eternal Palace (Raid):

Mechagon Dungeon (Raid):




Pushed incomplete in 9e581a0. The rest will take forever to sort out and there is no reason to delay deployment further as these items can be checked off later without too much of a hassle.