


Achievement popup text for items using the collection method isn't set correctly

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 4 comments


if item and item.method and item.method == CONSTANTS.DETECTION_METHODS.COLLECTION
This variable (in the GUI code) is never set. Either it was broken before the last refactoring pass or I copy/pasted stuff incorrectly.

Right now I don't have time to look into this, and it's not a very high priority. Therefore I'm leaving this as a reminder. I'd assume the popup simply displays the regular text instead of one specific to the collection.

Example: WOD Tanaan sabercat reputation. Those items could be affected by this problem.


I am not sure which text this refers to, but as mentioned on Discord, I triggered this achievement toast while debugging something else on a collection item. As I completed the criteria, the achievement toast got set off and it all looks as expected to me. The announcement also got fired, allthough I forgot to take a screenshot of it


I believe this issue refers to this portion of the code:

if item and item.method and item.method == CONSTANTS.DETECTION_METHODS.COLLECTION then
unlocked:SetText(L["Collection Complete"])

Since the item variable is never set, the branch won't be executed ever. Instead of "Collection complete", the default text is displayed, which can be seen on the screenshot you provided.


The screenshot actually confirms the validity of the issue, so I update the status to reflect this.


Fixed via 85befd2. It's not a great fix, but it's good enough for the time being.