


Improve debug cache feature to more easily troubleshoot issues

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 1 comments

  • Setting to disable this (under the experimental/advanced node)
  • Setting to store an entire session's worth of debug messages in the saved variables
  • Clean up the existing code, it was a quick prototype and shouldn't be as messy
  • This feature should be disabled by default, as regular users won't care about it and there's a (tiny) performance hit

Revisiting this old cobbled-together feature:

  • The code is messy, yeah - that will improve over time (slowly...)
  • Disabling this defeats the whole purpose - performance and memory impact is negligible anyway
  • Storing debug messages in the saved variables makes no sense? Also don't want to touch the DB schema if possible...

Since this has been considered useful for debugging (see Discord), the feature stays, spaghetti code or not ๐Ÿ˜“

Closing this, there's already an issue to track improvements: #85