


Revisit the project's license and update the project site/repository accordingly

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Allara has granted permission to change it. I'm not sure which one works best, though I think GPL is decent enough? Could also use MIT or similar, not like anyone's going to sell the addon...

A copy of the license should also be included, via the Curseforge Packager?


Alright, since there's only a small number of contributors (that I'm aware of), I'll just do the thing and ping y'all (apologies in advance):

@godejord @jelveby @dbowden713 @nickbayley @kharenis @domi86 @Daeymien @zmsl @borgiman

I'm planning to officially convert the code to GPL2 on Monday, 15th of March, 2021. This is part of the current strategy to put more power in the hands of the community and, in the long term, provide a better development/contributor experience (refactored code, documentation, community Discord - see also #250).

The reason for that is obvious: As the past few years have shown, I can't possibly manage the project and do all the development work on my own, which is why lots of issues went unresolved and the overall user experience (actually using Rarity, especially in the case of problems) is pretty bad.

If anyone's interested I'll happily describe the overall plan in greater detail, but for now it'd be great if you could agree (respond or react with a ๐Ÿ‘ ) to have your contribution officially re-released as part of the codebase by said date.

Should you have any concerns, feel free to message me on Discord/Curse or reply here :)


Done via 4a63624. Might have to see if Curse includes it automatically with the next release, but that's a minor concern.