


Announcements in public channels are no longer functioning while outdoors

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Source: WowAce

Probably related to some API changes made by Blizzard. I recall them limiting the SendChatMessage API to limit spam, but I never followed up on this after testing it briefly. Back then announcements were working, but it's possible they're limited only under certain circumstances?


I didn't misremember then, I just forgot I already created an issue earlier. I don't think there's anything we could do to enable the announcements given Blizzard's restrictions.

We could try not sending any messages in those channels, but AFAIK it's all handled by the LibSink library and I don't know if we can modify this feature easily with how it's currently implemented.

That said, this is a duplicate so I'll close it.


There are more details about this problem here #134.