


Pets (and mounts) can't be set to "tracked" after they have been learned

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 1 comments


This is working fine for mounts (who wants to track them twice)? For pets, however, it has caused some grief amongst users who'd prefer to keep tracking a pet even when it has been learned,


Tested and observed the following behaviour:

Mounts that have already been learned, can only be tracked when set to "repeatable", Tracking works just fine in this case, and I'd consider it "working as intended".

Pets that have been learned will be untracked automatically, but can be set to "repeatable" once more. This is somewhat unintuitive, but Allara said it was done to prevent people reporting it as a bug when they would obtain a pet and the addon would just continue tracking it. Therefore, I guess it's also "working as intended".

Since I don't have more information here I can only close this as invalid. I guess I should've copied the original comments to see what users were referring to....