


Review holiday items to make sure they're using the proper holiday texture (for calendar-based notification)

rdw-software opened this issue · 5 comments


In reviewing the item database, I've noticed that there's a lot of holiday items that don't appear to have their holidayTexture set (e.g., Big Love Rocket). If I understand the logic correctly, this would imply there won't be any calendar-based notification for them.

This means their holiday reminders wouldn't be working as intended. Not sure if this was changed when Blizzard moved to different reward structures (e.g., container instead of normal loot), so that's something that might need to be investigated first.


I just realized after pushing the update that I didn't come across Big Love Rocket at all. Perhaps I have gone blind, but I cannot seem to find that mount. Did it get lost in the refactoring?


Seems here: 0a69210

I guess because of the large diffs, the search feature of GitHub doesn't pick up on it.


Can confirm it went AWOL. I must've somehow messed up copy/pasting it in. I guess that's why I'm wary of refactoring without tests :(

Looking into if there's any others I missed currently, but it's tricky to tell with just the diffs. I've tried writing some scripts but they're telling me the number of items is the same, which can't really be true, so I'm still trying to figure this one out.


Done; the results can be found in a temporary debug branch (https://github.com/SacredDuckwhale/Rarity/tree/debug-db-refactoring), and the result is easily visualized in this commit: 0285129

This simulates the changes made to the database (in terms of item keys only); as we can see only the Big Love Rocket went missing, so that's a relief :D


Since we can now be reasonably sure nothing else is missing, I've simply re-added the Big Love Rocket in 66e68b1.