


Work through new expansion checklist for BFA release

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Original: Allara's "NEW EXPANSION PACK - TO-DO LIST / CHEAT SHEET" (backup copy here)

The list was then updated for BFA.


  • Reevaluate group sizes for all items (items from 2 expansions ago become soloable; items from last expansion become groups of 3) - Note: Only content <= 10 levels below the player uses Personal Loot in BFA
  • New mounts
  • New pets
  • New toys
  • New 100% drop items - What is the point in tracking these, even if there were any? Skipped, for now.
  • Guaranteed mounts from bosses convert to non-guaranteed (don't forget to set wasGuaranteed = true): Will probably affect mounts from current Mythic raids only (Heroic mounts have been removed entirely since WOD when a new expansion launches)
  • New rare killing achievements (under the Exploration achievement tab, like: http://www.wowhead.com/achievements/character-achievements/exploration/15257-legion)

Nodes and zones:

  • Fishing nodes (GatherMate2/Constants.lua)
  • NO LONGER: New zones for Sea Turtle (http://wowpedia.org/MapID) (they stopped putting it in new expansions starting with Warlords of Draenor)



  • Good-luck coins (Bonus rolls)
  • New Archaeology races: /run for race_id = 1, GetNumArchaeologyRaces() do Rarity:Print("race_id: "..race_id.." | "..GetArchaeologyRaceInfo(race_id)) end
  • Add a new category icon for the expansion
  • If a new class was added, add it to the list at the top of Options.lua in the Options module


  • Find a better category icon (original artwork would be great, but I haven't found one)
  • Toy conversions: Are existing items being converted to toys and should be added to the addon? -> Skipped because I haven't found any. If any are being converted, they'll have to be added later.
  • Mining nodes -> Skipped, for now. Allara. "There is no official support for user-added Mining or Herbalism items."

Closing this as the world events are already split off and can be tackled later. All the other, basic BFA stuff should be included in the latest release.


Here is the list of remaining tasks after adding a bunch of stuff already:

  • Arathi Highlands: #48
  • Island Expeditions: #49
  • World Events: #50
  • Mythic Dungeons: #51
  • Mythic Plus: #52
  • BOE Mounts: #53

Since it's a lot of different things coming together that should be tested and researched individually, I'll split this into separate issues.