


Rename Big Love Rocket to X-45 Heartbreaker and update the saved variables accordingly

godejord opened this issue ยท 5 comments


The good old love rocket has gotten it's name renewed and is now called X-45 Heartbreaker. Tracking is still working just fine and in-game it is showing with it's new name, but it's still wrongfully named in the code. Haven't wanted to touch this as I don't know if it will affect the statistics.


A new complication has arisen:

the Love is in the Air mount is still alphabetically sorted as Big Love Rocket


I think we need to simply migrate the existing entries. IIRC there was some code that already purged obsolete items, but only on demand (and I don't feel confident it always works). If we can be certain it won't have unintended side effects it might be possible to just rename this entry whenever it is encountered going forward.

That of course means the migration can't ever be removed, which makes me wary of adding such a feature, but then there are other instances where this functionality would be needed since Blizzard keeps changing things around. We definitely should consider adding a schema version to the saved variables database so that we can change it when needed.


That honestly sounds like a nightmarish scenario, since all the user settings are going to refer to the key (item name) that was previously used. We would have to migrate the saved variables (scary even with some confidence in the codebase, which I do not have). Since this is just a cosmetic change I'm thinking it might not be worth the trouble?

Actually, I just remember we had a similar issue with a dragon pet that Blizzard renamed. I can't find the details, but someone reported that their attempts were all messed up after I changed the item's key in the database... so maybe we shouldn't do this unless we can be sure it won't affect users, considering how much more invested people will be in that mount compared to a rather unimportant pet.

I'll leave it as "TBD" for now since I don't know if we can reasonably do this without breaking stuff, though it may be worth revisiting in the future.


I haven't looked into this at all since the last update. But I'd guess that renaming the item is fine. If we do this for all users then everyone would lose their attempts unless the saved variables are automatically updated as well. That's the "migration" part, which may not be too complicated in a vacuum, though it could affect people negatively if it does go wrong somehow.


If I may ask, have there been any new developments on this since last year, or still shelved for now?

What I've done for now, I've renamed the Big Love Rocket mount to its new name in the addon files (line 7 and 11 in HolidayEvents.lua) and my savedvariables file for the attempt counts. This appears to work for me, and it's sorting it correctly.