


Add tracking for items obtained from opening Secured Shipment (?)

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 3 comments


According to wowhead comments, there's a world object "Secured Shipment" that may contain the pets? Not sure if that also needs to be tracked; if so we'll need more hacky code similar to SPECIAL items. For now, I'll add the NPC drops as a primary source.

Details TBD - I guess this should also be added, if possible?

Follow-up to #591


The "Dragon Isles Supply Cache" isn't a real item AFAICT, it's just something that awards resources (currency) and is automatically opened when you obtain it. This thing seems to be used throughout all of DF content so that it isn't very useful here.

There's a weekly quest that could in theory be tracked, but Rarity only supports quests for defeat detection and not attempts.


There's a few different concerns here:

  • What items does the chest actually drop, if any? No wowhead data is available AFAICT - only some user comments
  • Drop rates, obviously (but that can easily be adjusted later)
  • There seems to be a weekly lockout, so the quest ID would have to be determined
  • The biggest hurdle, how to actually detect the attempts?

From what I can tell, the chest requires gathering keys and then confirming that you want to open it (gossip dialog). After that, loot is pushed to your inventory, but I can't make sense of the arguments (no such item/currency exists?).

It looks almost like you get a container and automatically open it, but it's hard to tell from the ingame event log (/etrace):


The opening spell cast can be detected with tooltip scanning (similar to many SPECIAL items), but it's not reliable as you still have to confirm that you want to open the chest. So opening only indicates that someone has clicked the chest, nothing else.

Maybe if there was a way for Rarity to detect changed quests and use them to add attempts it could help? This has come up in the past, where certain items could've benefited from such a "new" method of detection - e.g., Argus chests.


Since there's not enough info on these, I'll close this (for now). Should it turn out that we need to track shipments after all, we can.