


Large number of collectibles spam the chat window with their attempts

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Source: CurseForge

Don't suppose it'd be too much to ask for an option to not post the "X attempts on item" messages for island expedition rewards? It'll currently spam out huge blocks of text because it can't track what mobs appeared there so just thinks you attempted all of them

Unrelated to whether or not the tracking itself is accurate, a way to reduce spam for a fixed number of items might be in order. Originally, this wasn't a concern as there would be few items available from any given source, but now there's this, certain world events (Winter's Veil), and presumably others that may pop up in the future.

Random Ideas:

  • Add option to hide attempts for > X items (use ... as a placeholder or add some other note)
  • Attempts filtering on an individual / group basis (needs rework of the existing categories... so, yeah, probably not happening)
  • ???