


Items in the addon settings are sorted by their English name on non-English client locales

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Source: Discord

[...] the mounts arent in alpabethic order (maybe because it gets ordered in english but shown in german?)

It seems the Options module sorts all items by their (English) key names:


Some other potential related issues:

  • The sorting code is duplicated (should likely use the Sorting module?)
  • It may not work with non-Latin locales if this issue is resolved (needs testing)?

Because there isn't a search bar (see #212), finding items is unnecessarily difficult.


From my time as an active contributor, I remember that the translation of the items is used.

E.g. the second item is "Ancient Salamanther" but there is no German translation for that yet.

It is also possible to scrape the translations from wowhead. We did something like that for MDT


From my time as an active contributor, I remember that the translation of the items is used.

E.g. the second item is "Ancient Salamanther" but there is no German translation for that yet.

It is also possible to scrape the translations from wowhead. We did something like that for MDT https://github.com/Nnoggie/MythicDungeonTools/blob/master/python/get_npcnames.py

Thanks, that's a good point. I took another look and you're right, it uses the localized phrase or English as the default.

I guess we should then fetch item names from wowhead for all items that are in the database and aren't yet translated. Unfortunately, wowhead doesn't offer an API and they might also object to scraping, though the impact in this case would be small.