


Enable Rarity to be used on Classic realms

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Follow-up to #132. If Blizzard forces everyone into Cataclysm "classic" then demand for this may be lower. But if WOTLK gets a perpetual ("Era") realm them I can see a lot of people wanting to play there at least occasionally, and collect stuff?

Not sure how useful this would be after all this time. Depends on community feedback, I guess?

As a starting point, this might be used: https://github.com/WilliamHarer/Raritywrath


  • Determine what API differences exist between WOTLK classic and Retail clients
  • Research how the multiple-TOC thing works (probably just copy/paste?)
  • Research how other (popular) addons handle their classic version differences
  • Figure out which of Rarity's features should be turned off in WOTLK
  • Abstract those parts, clean them up if needed, and implement a second interface for classic (TBD)
  • The item database needs to be filtered (tricky, since WOTLK category items may have been added after the fact?)
  • Rest TBD (don't know what else needs doing at this point(

Sorry. With cata dropped maybe the API is closer?


Haven't looked into Cataclysm at all, but a quick search yields a few generic wiki articles that might still be applicable:

Unfortunately, there's no complete list or other "official" documentation for API differences, so trial and error may be required.


Keen, watching.