


Script Ran too long error v735

CrusaderEsper opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Had Rarity kick out this error to me. I had recently logged in and went straight into a Delve. This popped up a few minutes into the delve.

Extremely verbose error message 1x Rarity/Core/Collections.lua:196: script ran too long [string "@Rarity/Core/Collections.lua"]:196: in function `ScanExistingItems' [string "@Rarity/Core.lua"]:322: in function `func' [string "@Broker_uClock/Lib/AceTimer-3.0-17/AceTimer-3.0.lua"]:57: in function <...dOns/Broker_uClock/Lib/AceTimer-3.0/AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>

self =

lockouts_detailed =
modules =
string_methods =
advancedSettings =
Testing =
isGuildBankOpen = false
AddonCompartment =
bagitems =
advancedSettingsFrame = Frame {
HolidayEvents =
foundTarget = false
tempbagitems =
db =
guids =
toysScanned = true
mount_sources =
catIcons =
isHorde = false
isAlliance = true
options =
lastStatCount = 48
EventHandlers =
architems =
itemsMasterList =
bar = Frame {
defaults =
relevantSpells =
holiday_textures =
npcs_to_items =
itemInfoCache =
ach_npcs_achId =
npcs =
items_with_stats =
optionsFrame = Frame {
itemsToPrime =
isFishing = false
string_types =
name = "Rarity"
ItemDB =
used =
Statistics =
DatabaseSchema =
modulesEnabled =
isOpening = false
lockouts_holiday =
string_archraces =
isPool = false
Announcements =
isTradeskillOpen = false
Database =
isTradeWindowOpen = false
Caching =
baseName = "Rarity"
pet_sources =
Collections =
Enum =
lockouts =
profileOptions =
defaultModuleState = true
CopyPastePopup =
MapInfo =
Waypoints =
Validation =
Tracking =
zones =
opennodes =
Profiling =
enabledState = true
tooltipOpenDelay = false
stats_to_scan =
profileFrame = Frame {
Debugging =
isAuctionHouseOpen = false
ScrollingDebugMessageFrame =
fishnodes =
items_to_items =
isMailboxOpen = false
Item =
defaultModuleLibraries =
Serialization =
Output =
fishzones =
items =
orderedModules =
isBankOpen = false
ach_npcs_isKilled =
Tooltips =
coins =
Utils =
AuctionDB =
AreaPOIs =
barGroup = Frame {
collection_items =
miningnodes =
bosses =
Session =
reason = "FINAL INIT"
total = 2272
numOwnedPets = 1983
(for index) = 169
(for limit) = 2272
(for step) = 1
i = 169
petID = "BattlePet-0-000003CFACD5"
speciesID = 1563
owned = true
customName = nil
level = 25
favorite = false
isRevoked = false
speciesName = "Bronze Whelpling"
icon = 134156
petType = 2
companionID = 7546
tooltip = "|cFFFFD200Drop: |rIron Horde|n|cFFFFD200Zone: |rBlasted Lands"
description = "The Bronze Whelpling was lost in time until an unusual event allowed her to escape."
isWild = false
canBattle = true
isTradeable = true
isUnique = false
obtainable = true
(for state) =
pets =
items =
mounts =
user =
(for control) = "pets"
k = "pets"
v =
Snarly's Bucket =
Skaarn =
Teardrop Moth =
Spiky Collar =
Bone Serpent =
Geordy =
Corpselouse Larva =
Mischievous Zephyr =
Shy Melvin =
Orphaned Felbat =
Luvvy =
Rattling Bones =
Servant of Demidos =
Dark Quivering Blob =
Sandshell Chitterer =
Fandral's Pet Carrier =
Vibrating Arcane Crystal =
Tiny Amber Wings =
Ridged Shalewing =
Call of the Frozen Blade =
Slithershock Elver =
Parrot Cage (Green Wing Macaw) =


Thank you for the report. Unfortunately, it is too unspecific to be actionable.

This error could be triggered by any number of things, most of which are outside of the addon developer's control. If it's a recurring problem, I'd start with disabling all other addons, making sure your machine has enough resources available, and then try to narrow down under which exact, reproducible circumstances the error manifests. And even then, maybe your PC is just too slow?

I'll close this issue for the time being, but feel free to report back should more information become available.