


Suggestion: Export to TSM Group

argent-codes opened this issue ยท 2 comments


One (little?) feature I would love is the ability to export my entire Rarity collection (or at least the drops that can be sold on the AH) as a TradeSkillMaster group, so I can import it there and more easily search for deals on some of these items. I can see this information in the Market Price column of Rarity's window, but it's not everything (for example, the Droplet of Y'Shaarj doesn't have a market price value but it's definitely available in the AH - and its Rarity config appears to have the correct item, spell, and creature IDs). Plus, market price is not super valuable to me out in the field, I need the data when I am at the auction house.


for example, the Droplet of Y'Shaarj doesn't have a market price value but it's definitely available in the AH - and its Rarity config appears to have the correct item, spell, and creature IDs)

If you can narrow this down or Rarity used the wrong TSM APIs/price sources, feel free to open a separate issue :)

Plus, market price is not super valuable to me out in the field, I need the data when I am at the auction house.

I didn't develop the original TSM integration, but maybe the data could be hidden by default, or toggled manually?


I don't mind at all as long as it's optional. Meaning the addon still works all the same if TSM isn't present, just like it does now.

A few considerations, keeping in mind that I haven't used TSM in many years:

  • Where would the export button be located? It should be discoverable, but not get in the way or cramp the UI
  • How should Rarity deal with cases where items already exist in some other TSM groups? Just ignore them? Warn the user?
  • What happens if the item that Rarity tracks isn't one that TSM can use (pet cages, enchanted/custom items)?
  • And what about items that aren't really the collectible itself, but rather a "quest starter" or similar proxy?
  • If the button is pressed multiple times, possibly with changes to the Rarity DB in between, how does it update the group?

Finally, are you willing to investigate and implement such a feature? Or are you asking me/someone else to do it? :P