


Refactor non-critical parts of the core and DB

rdw-software opened this issue · 3 comments


There are some parts of the addon that are highly performance-sensitive and are risky to touch (Combat log stuff, most of all). However, there's also things that are just a huge PITA to manage and can easily be split into different files - such as the item database.

This here is to gather some ideas as to which parts should be safe to move around.

  • Item database: Split by category and then group/non-grouped as well as expansions
  • Utility functions: There's no good reason to have encryption or messaging stuff in the core
  • Core: Split core into loader and actual core - this won't change much, but allows for globally managing externals and setup things more easily
  • Debugging and profiling: It can be split off, no problem here

Rest TBD.


I don't have time for this right now, so I barely split up the Core into some "modules"(to be reviewed/cleaned up later).

The item DB should also be split into categories for easier maintenance and debugging, but I'll have to postpone it.


Skipping the remaining Core module, focusing on the item DB. It's probably easiest to do a targeted refactoring pass for each component when major changes need to be made to it, and not before. That is, the Core (and the individual modules) will remain messy until there's a need to change anything in it that would be made easier by doing so first.


Finished (for now) and added in 5e32d13.