

Raven/Profile.lua:239: 'for' limit must be a number

calummitchell opened this issue ยท 0 comments


I'm not sure what I was doing when this happened. I was doing delves, world quests and a follower dungeon today. Noticed this in BugSack.

3x Raven/Profile.lua:239: 'for' limit must be a number
[string "@Raven/Profile.lua"]:239: in function SetCooldownDefaults' [string "@Raven/Main.lua"]:1027: in function ?'
[string "@Masque/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...que/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Masque/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...que/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@Masque/Libs/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@BeQuiet/libs/Ace3/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <...dOns/BeQuiet/libs/Ace3/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>

self =

testOrder =
modules =
LocalSpellNames =
DefaultProfile =
mountSpells =
ldbi =
isVanilla = false
name = "Raven"
ColorPalette =
ClassColors =
combatTimer = 0
runeSlots =
lockoutSpells =
isModernUI = true
status =
LibBossIDs =
BarGroupTemplate =
petSpells =
talents =
BarGroupLayoutTemplate =
lockSpells =
runeCount = 0
Nest_MaxBarConfiguration = 8
localRace = "Troll"
updateActions = true
isWrath = false
LibLDB =
bookSpells =
db =
ldb =
myRace = "Troll"
localClass = "Shaman"
myClass = "SHAMAN"
baseName = "Raven"
warlockCreatures =
runeSpells =
professionSpells =
isCata = false
Nest_TimeFormatOptions =
brokerList =
defaultModuleState = true
updateOptions = false
updateDispels = true
knownBrokers =
enabledState = true
chargeSpells =
frame = Frame {
isClassic = false
talentList =
Nest_SupportedConfigurations =
defaultModuleLibraries =
spellOverrides =
suppress = false
orderedModules =
conditionTests =
cooldownSpells =
cds =
410080 = 28800
445418 = 28800
159900 = 28800
393222 = 28800
192063 = 20
192222 = 30
159901 = 28800
393764 = 28800
443454 = 30
159902 = 28800
393766 = 28800
445424 = 28800
424153 = 28800
354462 = 28800
51533 = 90
354463 = 28800
393262 = 28800
342240 = 15
424187 = 28800
464256 = 28800
354465 = 28800
354466 = 28800
108270 = 180
354467 = 28800
125439 = 480
51490 = 30
393267 = 28800
131205 = 28800
367416 = 28800
73920 = 10
198103 = 300
108271 = 120
131206 = 28800
131222 = 28800
207399 = 300
424163 = 28800
361584 = 30
114052 = 180
16191 = 180
114050 = 180
187874 = 12
556 = 600
188389 = 6
444995 = 30
424197 = 28800
197995 = 20
393273 = 28800
114051 = 180
108280 = 180
384352 = 60
17364 = 7.500000
424167 = 28800
197214 = 40
60103 = 18
333974 = 15
410071 = 28800
196884 = 30
131225 = 28800
393276 = 28800
354469 = 28800
373274 = 28800
2825 = 300
108281 = 120
159896 = 28800
460905 = 14400
79206 = 120
2484 = 30
410074 = 28800
198838 = 60
159895 = 28800
393279 = 28800
159897 = 28800
57994 = 12
378081 = 60
354464 = 28800
26297 = 180
373262 = 28800
192058 = 60
424142 = 28800
403092 = 10
354468 = 28800
131228 = 28800
192077 = 120
410078 = 28800
131231 = 28800
159898 = 28800
393283 = 28800
159899 = 28800
131232 = 28800
131229 = 28800
393256 = 28800
131204 = 28800
chs =
198067 = 1
375982 = 1
191634 = 1
117014 = 1
5394 = 1
51505 = 3
cpet =
book = "spell"
cls =
Arcane Blast =
Resuscitate =
Vivify =
Flametongue Weapon =
Arcane Shot =
Entangling Roots =
Blood Plague =
Shuriken Toss =
Purge =
Water Walking =
Mutilate =
Revive Pet =
Sinister Strike =
Frostbolt =
Chains of Ice =
Flash Heal =
Incinerate =
Polymorph =
Moonfire =
Shadow Bolt =
Purge the Wicked =
Mind Control =
Slow Fall =
Smite =
Flash of Light =
Immolate =
Fireball =
Frost Breath =
bst =
openTabs = 5
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = 5
(for step) = 1
tab = 1
spellLine = nil
spellIcon = nil
offset = nil
numSpells = nil
(for index) = 1
(for limit) = nil
(for step) = 1
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil