

Condition to compare (de)buffs to cooldown timer

Dicebar opened this issue ยท 0 comments


It would be cool to be able to test if an ability comes off cooldown before a de(buff) expires.

As an example use-case, shadowpriests debuff with Vampiric Touch, which they have to refresh within the pandemic time window (6.3 seconds for VT). Normally this applied by casting Vampiric Touch, but optional talent Shadow Crash also refreshes Vampiric Touch when cast.

Being able to make a condition that indicates to not refresh Vampiric Touch with an individual cast of the spell when Shadow Crash will come off cooldown within that time window would be cool.


  • Ideally, you'd be able to specify an amount of time to pad the time window with to account for cast times, making this a bit more complicated.
  • Being able to add a group of cooldowns to compare to the (de)buff (like the Any Buff condition) would make this condition more versatile.
  • A similar condition would be sweet when combined with other cooldowns too (ie. can I stack two DPS cooldowns because they come off cooldown together, or shall I use them separately).