

Improvements to how conditions are shared between characters

Dicebar opened this issue ยท 2 comments


At the moment it's possible to share conditions between characters by flagging them as shared. This allows the user to import the condition, recreating it without linking them. This leads to duplication, and doesn't allow users to edit shared conditions.

Potential solution:
Make it possible to flag conditions as global conditions, making them available by default on all characters.


Seconded. Trying to set a OR statement that says only show buff and debuff bar if you are in combat OR if a target exists to mirror other display behaviors we have set up. Not only do I use my profiles across all of my characters, but my entire group does too as I copy settings to them to keep it consistent. I think a combination of trouble getting it working how we want plus the hassle of manual work per character on something that we feel should be global is turning my group off to this addon.


Looking into sharing settings with others through an export function sounds worthwhile. I added a feature idea for that (#23), thanks for the inspiration!