Overload Elemental Herb/Mine shows incorrect time remaining on cooldown bar
Taliyah9 opened this issue ยท 2 comments
After using Overload Elemental Herb/Mine, the cd is initally 12h but goes down in chunks for each subsequent gather. On Raven's cooldown bar, the time remaining counts down correctly for awhile, then it reverts back to showing 12h remaining and stays that way for the remainder of the cooldown. How long it counts down correctly and when it reverts to the 12h display seems to be random.
Yea, this is a very special case, since it is triggered with the original cooldown.
I will have a deeper look at this, and with other abilities and trinkets that has a similar "If x reduce cooldown with Y"
This is a very special scenario that I've seen on a few items/skills in Dragonflight