

Attempt to index field 'args' (a nil value) upon setting custom bar to track Value for Spell Tooltip (of a totem)

Lannakin opened this issue ยท 6 comments


I was setting up a bar to track the progress of Cloudburst Totem while it was up, so I'd know when it was going to expire.

2x Raven/Bars.lua:1053: attempt to index field 'args' (a nil value)
[string "@Raven/Bars.lua"]:1053: in function `GetTooltipNumber'
[string "@Raven/Values.lua"]:660: in function `f'
[string "@Raven/Bars.lua"]:2001: in function <Raven/Bars.lua:1898>
[string "@Raven/Bars.lua"]:2146: in function `UpdateBars'
[string "@Raven/Main.lua"]:1266: in function `Update'
[string "@Raven/Main.lua"]:924: in function <Raven/Main.lua:920>

self = <table> {
 CheckTalent = <function> defined @Raven/Conditions.lua:398
 testOrder = <table> {
 HexColor = <function> defined @Raven/Profile.lua:43
 UpdateInCombatBar = <function> defined @Raven/Cancel.lua:66
 modules = <table> {
 Nest_SetShine = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1303
 GetValueFormat = <function> defined @Raven/Values.lua:833
 ReleaseBarGroup = <function> defined @Raven/Bars.lua:723
 CopyTable = <function> defined @Raven/Profile.lua:61
 ResetColorDefault = <function> defined @Raven/Profile.lua:452
 Nest_SetBarGroupLock = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:973
 Nest_FormatTime = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1873
 SetInCombatBar = <function> defined @Raven/Cancel.lua:203
 LocalSpellNames = <table> {
 GetExpireColor = <function> defined @Raven/Profile.lua:669
 UpdateInternalCooldowns = <function> defined @Raven/Main.lua:2119
 SetExpireColor = <function> defined @Raven/Profile.lua:657
 DefaultProfile = <table> {
 ResetColorDefaults = <function> defined @Raven/Profile.lua:471
 RemoveMatchingTrackers = <function> defined @Raven/Main.lua:401
 Nest_CreateBar = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1074
 CheckSpec = <function> defined @Raven/Conditions.lua:453
 SetEnabledState = <function> defined @BartrubySummonPet/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:420
 FinalizeBars = <function> defined @Raven/Bars.lua:161
 mountSpells = <table> {
 Nest_SetLabelColor = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1279
 LoadCustomBars = <function> defined @Raven/Bars.lua:528
 Nest_DeleteAllBars = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1243
 Nest_AdjustColor = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1344
 UpdateTrackers = <function> defined @Raven/Main.lua:1870
 ldbi = <table> {
 Nest_RegisterCallbacks = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:683
 UnregisterAllEvents = <function> defined @BartrubySummonPet/libs/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:164
 InitializeBarGroup = <function> defined @Raven/Bars.lua:494
 Nest_SetBarGroupBorder = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:898
 Nest_GetBarGroups = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:796
 HideBars = <function> defined @Raven/Bars.lua:175
 OptionsPanel = <function> defined @Raven/Main.lua:1105
 Nest_SetBarGroupBackdrop = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:906
 DetectInternalCooldown = <function> defined @Raven/Main.lua:2101
 Nest_SetColors = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1262
 warlockCreatures = <table> {
 InitializeSpellIDs = <function> defined @Raven/Profile.lua:141
 GetName = <function> defined @BartrubySummonPet/libs/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:275
 InitializeBuffTooltip = <function> defined @Raven/Main.lua:1445
 name = "Raven"
 ColorPalette = <table> {
 SetConditionDefaults = <function> defined @Raven/Conditions.lua:937
 Nest_SetAlpha = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1294
 SaveBarGroupSettings = <function> defined @Raven/Bars.lua:525
 Print = <function> defined @BartrubySummonPet/libs/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.lua:50
 Nest_SetTimeColor = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1284
 Nest_DeleteBar = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.lua:1179
 ExpansionIsOrBelow = <function> defined @Raven/Main.lua:43
 UpdateSpellEffects = <function> defined @Raven/Main.lua:1718
 Debug = <function> defined @Raven/Main.lua:206
 Nest_IsTimer = <function> defined @Raven/Nest.

Heya, thanks for the report.

I couldn't reproduce the bug locally, but it looks very similar to a bug we fixed elsewhere for 10.1. It should be fixed in the next release.


Thank you, I look forward to this.


That release was two days ago. If you're still looking forward to the fix...did it not work? Are you using the latest version?


I'm closing this issue due to inactivity. If the problem has not been solved, feel free to reopen it.


I'm sorry for the slow response. I had ended up setting up a weakaura to do this instead and when I went to respond before, I couldn't remember whether I'd actually retested or not (and when I went to check, I kept forgetting what I was doing somehow).

I went through a very convoluted attempt to display the totem timer because I thought I needed to make a Value type custom bar that monitors a Spell Tooltip because I forgot how I made it last time. I did this for at least an hour, and then realized maybe it should be a Buff type bar.

It works fine now. Thanks!


Happy to hear you got it work properly! And thanks for letting us know, it is appreciated ๐Ÿ‘