Raven stops updating
Discomanco opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Not sure when exactly this happens, but usually during combat in M+ or raid, Raven stops updating buffs and debuffs, making them stuck until UI is reloaded. Will note that I got Raven together with RealUI, as an addon pack.
Raven version r630
and I'm getting the LUA error:
x1 Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:2056: script ran too long
Stack: [string "@Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua"]:2056: in function <Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:2030>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua"]:2719: in function 'Nest_Update'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua"]:1274: in function 'Update'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua"]:930: in function <Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:926>
Time: 2023/05/18 20:11:26 Index: 12/15
bg = {
iconShadow = true
configuration = 9
backdropFill = {}
tlDelta = 0
fgNotTimer = true
iconFSize = 14
tlHeight = 24.999997
iconOffsetY = 0
stColor = {}
stHeight = 29.999997
tlSplashY = 0
count = 26
tlColor = {}
labelAuto = true
callbacks = {}
stTexture = "TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar"
showIcon = true
growDirection = false
iconSize = 35.999996
tlTexture = "TargetingFrame\UI-StatusBar"
labelOffset = 0
tlLabels = {}
timeSpaces = false
backdropWidth = 15.999998
timeSpecial = false
timeFont = "RealUI_Skins-2.3.6\Media\RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf"
borderWidth = 1.000000
labelSpecial = false
iconColor = {}
backdropOffsetX = 0
timeIcon = false
labelShadow = true
iconFont = "AddOns\RealUI_Skins-2.3.6\Media\RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf"
attributes = {}
anchor = Button {}
iconAlpha = 1
tlOffset = 0
labelAlpha = 1
timeFSize = 14
tlBorderColor = {}
stOffset = 0
sortFunction = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:639
borderTable = {}
name = "Buffs"
stBarOffset = 0
tlScale = 3
labelAdjust = true
stBorderColor = {}
stBorderOffset = 1.000000
tlWidth = 224.999975
tlBorderOffset = 1.000000
showLabelText = false
stWidth = 499.999943
timeColor = {}
bars = {}
sortTime = false
barWidth = 4.999999
timeAlign = "LEFT"
spacingX = -8.999999
barHeight = 1.000000
fgTexture = "Buttons\WHITE8x8"
bgTexture = "Buttons\WHITE8x8"
borderColor = {}
iconAlign = "RIGHT"
tlPercent = 50
bgSaturation = 0
fgSaturation = 0
tlDuration = 300
labelWidth = 100
iconSpecial = false
labelWrap = false
scale = 1
showSpark = true
backdropInset = 4.000000
sortPlayer = false
showCooldown = false
iconHide = false
stFullWidth = false
showBar = false
stBarInset = 4
tlAlpha = 1
labelFont = "AddOns\RealUI_Skins-2.3.6\Media\Roboto-Regular.ttf"
tlBorderWidth = 4.000000
backdropTable = {}
MSQ_Group = {}
frame = RavenBarGroupBuffs {}
fgAlpha = 1
backdropPadding = 15.999998
maxBars = 40
timeInset = 15.999998
update = true
tlSplash = true
anchorPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"
bgBrightness = 0
lastColumn = -53.999994
lastRow = -539.999939
timeAlpha = 1
fgBrightness = 0
backdrop = RavenBarGroupBackdropBuffs {}
moving = false
backdropOffsetY = 0
stBorderWidth = 4.000000
tlSwitch = 2
height = 35.999996
labelCenter = false
stInset = 0
locked = true
backdropColor = {}
strata = "MEDIUM"
snapCenter = false
sorter = {}
mouseAlpha = 1
alpha = 1
wrapDirection = false
timeCase = false
tlAlternate = true
spacingY = -8.999999
bgAlpha = 0
fillBars = false
backdropPadH = 0
borderOffset = 0
showTimeText = true
disableAlpha = false
iconInset = -17.999998
timeShadow = true
labelFSize = 12
labelColor = {}
tlSplashX = 0
tlHide = false
position = {}
width = 35.999996
backdropPadW = 0
wrap = 20
labelInset = 0
timeFormat = 23
iconOffsetX = 0
labelAlign = "MIDDLE"
timeOffset = 17.999998
iconOffset = 4.999999
bar = {
tickOffset = 0
ibr = 1
fgTexture = Texture {}
shineEnd = false
cg = 0.796078
bgTexture = Texture {}
tick = Texture {}
startTime = 31432.293000
bg = 0.796078
iconTexture = RavenButton18IconTexture {}
ibb = 1
timeText = FontString {}
includeOffset = 0
callbacks = {}
segmentsAllocated = false
buttonData = {}
buttonName = "RavenButton18"
bb = 0.200000
iconBorder = Texture {}
tooltipAnchor = "DEFAULT"
spark = Texture {}
alpha = 1
soundEnd = false
frame = RavenButton18Frame {}
br = 0.521569
cr = 0.521569
pulse = false
tipFrame = RavenButton18TipFrame {}
update = true
ca = 1
ba = 1
attributes = {}
sparkleReady = false
shineReady = false
container = RavenButton18Container {}
textFrame = RavenButton18TextFrame {}
pulseReady = false
expireMSBT = false
backdrop = RavenButton18Backdrop {}
soundExpire = false
That's an interesting bug, thank you for the report.
The error you're seeing indicates that Raven is taking too long to compute something during combat. I can't tell if RealUI adds something to Raven that requires extra processing power, or if there is another cause.
I don't have an immediate solution for you, but perhaps you can try some things to see if we can narrow the problem down?
- How long have you been using RealUI/Raven?
- Can you try to see if you can trigger the bug to occur using a targeting dummy?
- If that works, try and see if you can trigger the same problem again with only Raven enabled? Along with something like buggrabber/bugsack so you can see the error.
Got another one, while in a raid and with a LUA error that might be more helpful?
Happened on Balance druid this time.
Did update to 631
Have been using RealUI for multiple expansions now, with multiple manual patches to accomedate for broken things.
I noticed this started to happen in maybe 10.0.5 or 10.0.7
Have yet to try on dummy or without other addons.
x1 Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:2183: script ran too long
Stack: [string "@Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua"]:2183: in function 'UpdateCooldowns'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua"]:1269: in function 'Update'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua"]:930: in function <Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:926>
Time: 2023/05/19 20:27:20 Index: 9/10
self = {
CheckTalent = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Conditions.lua:398
testOrder = {}
HexColor = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Profile.lua:43
UpdateInCombatBar = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Cancel.lua:66
modules = {}
Nest_SetShine = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1303
GetValueFormat = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Values.lua:833
ReleaseBarGroup = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Bars.lua:723
CopyTable = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Profile.lua:61
ResetColorDefault = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Profile.lua:487
Nest_SetBarGroupLock = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:973
Nest_FormatTime = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1873
SetInCombatBar = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Cancel.lua:203
LocalSpellNames = {}
GetExpireColor = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Profile.lua:704
UpdateInternalCooldowns = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:2125
SetExpireColor = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Profile.lua:692
DefaultProfile = {}
ResetColorDefaults = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Profile.lua:506
RemoveMatchingTrackers = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:407
Nest_CreateBar = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1074
CheckSpec = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Conditions.lua:453
SetEnabledState = function @Interface/AddOns/Ace3/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:420
FinalizeBars = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Bars.lua:161
mountSpells = {}
Nest_SetLabelColor = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1279
LoadCustomBars = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Bars.lua:528
Nest_DeleteAllBars = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1243
Nest_AdjustColor = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1344
UpdateTrackers = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:1876
ldbi = {}
Nest_RegisterCallbacks = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:683
UnregisterAllEvents = function @Interface/AddOns/Ace3/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:169
InitializeBarGroup = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Bars.lua:494
Nest_SetBarGroupBorder = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:898
Nest_GetBarGroups = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:796
HideBars = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Bars.lua:175
OptionsPanel = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:1111
Nest_SetBarGroupBackdrop = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:906
DetectInternalCooldown = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:2107
Nest_SetColors = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1262
warlockCreatures = {}
InitializeSpellIDs = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Profile.lua:141
GetName = function @Interface/AddOns/Ace3/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:275
InitializeBuffTooltip = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:1451
name = "Raven"
Disable = function @Interface/AddOns/Ace3/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:310
SetConditionDefaults = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Conditions.lua:937
Nest_SetAlpha = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1294
SaveBarGroupSettings = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Bars.lua:525
Print = function @Interface/AddOns/Ace3/AceConsole-3.0/AceConsole-3.0.lua:50
RegisterCooldownDefault = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Profile.lua:417
Nest_SetTimeColor = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1284
Nest_DeleteBar = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Nest.lua:1179
ExpansionIsOrBelow = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:49
UpdateSpellEffects = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.lua:1724
Debug = function @Interface/AddOns/Raven/Main.