

Bar groups always behind action bar 1

dahennessy opened this issue ยท 3 comments


I'm trying to place some icon timers above my skills on my action bars but for some reason, this works on all action bars except the first. All groups are always behind bar 1 and in front of all other bars. I can't find a setting to control the layer level. Is there an easy way to fix this?



Sorry for the late response, I have been unwell.

As to your question, I'm honestly not sure. Both when I'm running Bartender and without, my randomly created bar group specifically to test this fits right over the action bars without issue. If you're running a different addon for managing your action bars, that might be the issue.


Hi, no worries, hope you're doing better!
I don't use any addons for my actionbars, just the blizzard standard bars.
If I drag and move a raven bar, it's on top of basically everything, but as soon as I let go, it jumps behind a few UI elements:
Actionbar1, Extra Abilities, Encounter bar (Vigor points indicator) and the Shift-M zone minimap.

Oddly enough, the keybinds on the bars shine through raven as well on every actionbar. Here's another screenshot:



Thanks for the concern, I am slowly getting better yes ๐Ÿ˜Š

I see it now, yeah. If you set the frame strata for the bar on "high", I think the problem should be resolved:
