Ravenous Mounts

Ravenous Mounts


Feature Request - Extended rules around Druid forms

Soromeister opened this issue ยท 3 comments


This is a feature request, not a bug.

Expected behaviour

I have the below macro (it's not perfect):

/use [advflyable,nocombat]Flourishing Whimsydrake
/use [outdoors,flyable]Travel Form;[harm]Moonkin Form;[indoors]Cat Form
/use [outdoors]Travel Form
/dismount [mounted]

The intended use is like so:

  • If I am in a zone where I can use Dragonriding mount, use it.;
  • If that is not available, use the druid travel form instead. This works with my macro when I am walking and pressing the button, since it'll get me in druid form, as dragon riding is not available while walking, since there is a cast time to it;
  • If I have a target that I can attack, put me in Moonkin form;
  • Indoors, use cat form;
  • Underwater, use travel form;
  • Pressing again will dismount/dispel the druid form;

Actual behaviour

I am looking to get similar functionality with Rav Mounts although the add-on has an exclusive switch on the druid forms:

  • If I use druid forms, it will always put me in Druid flight form even though I should be able to dragonride;
  • If I don't use druid forms, cat form is not casted indoors. I suspect the same with underwater travel form;
  • I am unable to use "Alternate Mounts Modifier" since I already have other buttons bound to all modifier keys so I wouldn't want to change that just for this. So the macro is bound to -, Moonkin form is bound to SHIFT + - (because sometimes I just need to Moonkin directly without satisfying the macro conditions), Brutosaur is on CTRL + - and Yak is on ALT + -.

Steps to reproduce this behaviour

  1. Use a druid
  2. Use my macro and see how it behaves
  3. Attempt to reproduce this in Ravenous Mounts add-on



Hey @Soromeister,

Sorry to just get back to you.

Thanks for the feature request! There have been some glaring issues with how the addon handles class forms for a while now, so this is high on the list of priorities for me to attend to. The last time I tried to address those issues, I ended up breaking the addon for all classes ๐Ÿ˜… so I will have to tread very carefully and test extremely thoroughly before I release a fix here.

I appreciate that a lot of time has passed since you submitted this feature request, and you've likely moved onto another addon that does support what you're looking for, but I thank you nonetheless for bringing this to my attention as a critical piece of the addon that needs fixing!


Hi @waldenp0nd , I haven't moved to another addon, but I am using my own macro (as faulty as it is). I am looking forward to the major refactor update. Thanks.