Ravenous Mounts

Ravenous Mounts


Right-Click Logic

OIK2 opened this issue · 1 comments


Could you add the ability to call a particular function (I would use it for vendor mount, but could see passenger mount also being a valid use) when the link is right-clicked upon? In a macro this is designated with the btn:2 condition in the brackets. I looked at the lua to see if it was a simple mod:alt/mod:shift/mod:ctrl that designated the functions, and would have added the functionality myself, but could not figure out how with the current schema.


Hey, thanks for the question!

I believe what you’re looking for is SecureCmdOptionParse("[btn:2]"). I'm not really interested in implementing button-checking in the AddOn at this point; although, I do appreciate the suggestion, as I learned some in the process! 😄

You can, however, implement it yourself like so:

if (specificType == "vendor" or SecureCmdOptionParse("[btn:2]")) and haveVendorMounts then

or try out the right-click-vendor branch or related pull request.