Feature Request : Loot Master
agpenny opened this issue ยท 4 comments
Would there be anyway to change the loot master from the raid leader in game
In our guild the Raid leader is not on the council and as it stands at the moment we all vote on the item then he needs to distribute the loot
Its not a big deal but would make it easier for the raid even if maybe he got a pop up on his screen saying award to x member
As a raid leader, this is a big issue for me. I really don't have time to be doing the Master Looter role while also setting up groups and assignments for the next boss. It is a huge burden that I want to offload to one of my officers. Given that I, as the Raid Leader, can create my Loot Council, why can I not also configure one of my loot councilors as the dedicated loot master/reward decider?
In an ideal world, I don't even want to be voting, as Raid Leader. It's not my concern. That's what I have officers for.
Do you really have to be the group leader to raid lead? And if yes, then it's probably for the same reason as RCLootCouncil.
The raid leader determines the council because someone has to do it, and preferably one that everyone can agree on, at any time, has the singular authority to do so.
I'd also like to advocate for an option to assign another player as master looter. I'm raid leader but I can't keep up with the correct stats etc for every player, and I'mtrying to stay on top of a lot of other things during the raid, I want to assign this job to an officer dedicated exclusively to the role.