evil-morfar opened this issue ยท 5 comments
I'm debating whether v2.0 should be pushed to the current project on Curse, or if it would be better to create a new project called "RCLootCouncil2".
Logistically it's better to use the same project (we could code around people using an older version), but otherwise a new project makes more sense.
Also I'm really hoping to be "finished" by mid june, although there might be some refactoring to do after that. I'm counting on a stable test version by july.
I would just push out version two, and make everyone aware that it is not backwards compatible. There was a previous version that broke backwards compatibility with older clients due to implementation changes. Besides, Ideally you don't change the name (changing the name makes it seem like a forked project).
Tried to email you, but hotmail hates my mail server, not that I want my server even connecting to hotmail, but still. Anyway, as of a few months ago, I have stopped playing WoW. If/when I get back into it, I will let you know and get more serious into development, but my enjoyment of WoW had been diminishing ever since the release of 6.0 and my guild fell apart. Just wanted to keep you posted.
I understand, I haven't been especially active either. Thanks for your work so far, hope to see you again :)