LUA errors related to tooltips
Closed this issue ยท 6 comments
I often get LUA errors in my Bugsack involving RecipeMaster, in SoD.
this one for example is pretty common, but I have seen others before. They are usually not reproducible after reloading the UI, but happen pretty often after a bit of played time.
Example :
352x ...dOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua:89: attempt to index local 'lineText' (a nil value)
[string "@RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua"]:89: in function <...dOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua:87>
[string "@RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua"]:95: in function <...dOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua:93>
[string "@RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua"]:115: in function <...dOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua:110>
[string "@RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua"]:132: in function <...dOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua:129>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@AllTheThings/src/UI/Classic Window Logic.lua"]:807: in function <AllTheThings/src/UI/Classic Window Logic.lua:762>
i = 9
tooltip = GameTooltip {
ATT_AttachComplete = true
ATT_IsRefreshing = true
AllTheThingsProcessing = true
AllTheThingsOnTooltipClearedHook = true
comparing = false
__tooltipUpdated = false
TopOverlay = Texture {
ATT_IsModifierKeyDown = false
shoppingTooltips = <table> {
BottomOverlay = Texture {
NineSlice = Frame {
layoutType = "TooltipDefaultLayout"
needsReset = false
updateTooltip = 0.119000
message = "Recipe Master|cffFFFFFF
lineText = nil
(*temporary) = GameTooltipTextLeft9 {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "9"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'lineText' (a nil value)"
There sometime has other errors, I will post more when I come across them, but I wanted to start an issue, and maybe it could be enough for you to understand what's going on.
Hello, @Llamatron2112.
Looks like the error might have some relation with AllTheThings. I'll download it and try to reproduce this error.
If you remember which recipe you hovered when the error came up, please let me know.
I used to have AllTheThings installed, but not anymore.
Digging a bit in my Bugsack I see there has been another issue with the tooltip with AtlasLoot this time
14x ...ddOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/RecipeHandler.lua:40: attempt to index local 'recipe' (a nil value)
[string "@RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/RecipeHandler.lua"]:40: in function <...ddOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/RecipeHandler.lua:38>
[string "@RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/RecipeHandler.lua"]:52: in function `getAllCharactersRecipeStatus'
[string "@RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua"]:56: in function <...dOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua:55>
[string "@RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua"]:112: in function <...dOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua:110>
[string "@RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua"]:132: in function <...dOns/RecipeMaster/Source/Handlers/TooltipHandler.lua:129>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetItemByID'
[string "@AtlasLootClassic/Button/Item_type.lua"]:218: in function `OnEnter'
[string "@AtlasLootClassic/Button/Button.lua"]:125: in function <AtlasLootClassic/Button/Button.lua:118>
characterSkills = <table> {
recipe = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'recipe' (a nil value)"
rm = <table> {
uniqueDB = <table> {
sortBar = Button {
currentServer = "Wild Growth"
sourcesInstructions = Frame {
sourcesScrollFame = ScrollFrame {
recipeDB = <table> {
sourceDB = <table> {
recipesList = Frame {
sourcesColumnsContainer = Frame {
objectDB = <table> {
F = <table> {
locale = "enUS"
L = <table> {
totalRecipesCount = 0
currentCharacter = "Llamacadabra"
optionsFrameElements = <table> {
optionsFrame = Frame {
uniqueSourceText = FontString {
sourcesList = Frame {
sourcesListTabs = <table> {
sourcesHeader = <table> {
progressContainer = Frame {
displayedProfession = ""
progressBar = StatusBar {
searchBar = EditBox {
divider = Frame {
progressBarText = FontString {
recipeSourcesTab = Button {
recipesTab = Button {
bottomTabs = <table> {
centeredText = FontString {
restoreButton = Button {
header = Frame {
sourcesListColumns = <table> {
cachedRecipes = <table> {
lastDisplayedProfession = ""
isMainFrameMaximized = true
widestRecipeTextWidth = 0
currentFaction = "Alliance"
author = "Breno Ludgero"
learnedPercentage = 0
frame = Frame {
missingRecipesCount = 0
version = "2.2.3"
npcDB = <table> {
learnedRecipesCount = 0
recipesScrollFrame = ScrollFrame {
questDB = <table> {
fishingTab = Button {
mainFrame = Frame {
currentSeason = "SoD"
mainFrameBorder = Frame {
I haven't been able to reproduce the error so far. Could you provide some additional information?
Are you using this version of AtlasLootClassic? Are all of its 6 add-ons loaded?
Is the error triggered exclusively when hovering the cursor over an icon? If yes, does it happen consistently with a specific item's icon?
Sorry for the delay, but it seems deleting the addon's data in the WTF folder fixed the issue. I should have done that earlier.
I will let you know if the issue comes back, but for now it looks like it was the fix
I'll close this issue for now. @Llamatron2112 if the error comes back, feel free to leave a comment here and I'll reopen it.