


classic 1.15.4 error

DrGalvany opened this issue · 0 comments


I get the following error message with Classic era 1.15.4:

25x Recount/GUI_Config.lua:1798: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@Recount/GUI_Config.lua"]:1798: in function SetupButtonOptions' [string "@Recount/GUI_Config.lua"]:2082: in function CreateWindowOptions'
[string "@Recount/GUI_Config.lua"]:2103: in function CreateConfigWindow' [string "@Recount/GUI_Config.lua"]:2222: in function PreloadConfig'
[string "@Recount/Recount.lua"]:1794: in function <Recount/Recount.lua:1724>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@Ace3/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:66: in function <Ace3/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:61>
[string "@Ace3/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:494: in function `InitializeAddon'
[string "@Ace3/AceAddon-3.0-13/AceAddon-3.0.lua"]:619: in function <Ace3/AceAddon-3.0/AceAddon-3.0.lua:611>

self =

MiscOptions = Frame {
FilterOptions = Frame {
ButtonOptions = Frame {
TextureOptions = Frame {
DeletionOptions = Frame {
BarOptions = Frame {
ConfigWindow = Recount_ConfigWindow {
FontOptions = Frame {
parent = Frame {
Tab = Frame {
theFrame = Frame {
Report_Text = FontString {
RowHeightSlider = Recount_ConfigWindow_RowHeight_Slider {
ResetButton = CheckButton {
ConfigButton = CheckButton {
Reset_Text = FontString {
Left_Text = FontString {
Close_Text = FontString {
Right_Icon = Texture {
Right_Text = FontString {
FileButton = CheckButton {
Close_Icon = Texture {
File_Text = FontString {
LeftButton = CheckButton {
Left_Icon = Texture {
RightButton = CheckButton {
Report_Icon = Texture {
File_Icon = Texture {
CloseButton = CheckButton {
Title = FontString {
Config_Text = FontString {
ButtonsTitle = FontString {
Reset_Icon = Texture {
Config_Icon = Texture {
ReportButton = CheckButton {
slider = Recount_ConfigWindow_RowHeight_Slider {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "High"
(*temporary) = "Recount_ConfigWindow_RowHeight_Slider"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = -112
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
me =
MiscOptions = Frame {
FilterOptions = Frame {
ButtonOptions = Frame {
TextureOptions = Frame {
DeletionOptions = Frame {
BarOptions = Frame {
ConfigWindow = Recount_ConfigWindow {
FontOptions = Frame {
L =
Ability Name = "Name der Fähigkeit"
's Time Spent Attacking = "s benutzte Zeit für Angriffe"
Tracks Raid Damage Taken Per Second = "Verfolgt im Schlachtzug erlittenen Schaden pro Sekunde (DTPS)"
Report Top = "Berichte die ersten"
Astral Power Sources = "Astrale-Macht-Quellen"
Incoming = "Eingehend"
Whisper = "Flüstern"
End = "Ende"
Attacked/Healed = "Angegriffen/Geheilt"
Raid = "Schlachtzug"
Unknown Spells: = "Unbekannte Zaubersprüche:"
Damage = "Schaden"
Combat Log Range = "Kampflogreichweite"
Mobs = "Mobs"
Dispels = "Bannungen"
Standard = "Standard"
's Network Traffic = "s Netzwerkverkehr"
Guardian = "Wächter"
Lock Windows = "Fenster fixieren"
Bar Text = "Balkentext"
Fury Sources = "Jähzornquellen"
's Time Spent Healing = "s benutzte Zeit für Heilung"
Network Traffic = "Netzwerkverkehr"
Threat on = "Bedrohung von"
Miss = "Verfehlt"
Bar Color Selection = "Balkenfarbenauswahl"
Frostfire = "Frostfeuer"
Fury Gained = "Erhaltener Jähzorn"
Attacked = "Angegriffen"
No Absorb = "Nicht absorbiert"
's Energy Gained From = "s erhaltene Energie von"
Battlegrounds = "Schlachtfelder"
Detail Window = "Detailfenster"
was Healed by = "wurde geheilt von"
's Maelstorm Gained = "s erhaltener Mahlstrom"
Display = "Darstellung"
Title Text = "Titeltext"
Percent = "Prozent"
Hide When Not Collecting = "Verstecken (bei keinen Daten)"
Available Bandwidth = "Verfügbare Bandbreite"
Records the times and applications of buff/debuffs on this type = "Buffs/Debuffs für diesen Typ aufzeichnen"
Recorded Fights = "Aufgezeichnete Kämpfe"
Dispelled By = "Gebannt von"
Record Deaths = "Tode aufzeichnen"
Report To = "Bericht an:"
Mana Sources = "Mana (Quellen)"
Records when deaths occur and the past few actions involving this type = "Tode und ein paar Aktionen davor für diesen Typ aufzeichnen"
HoT = "HoT"
Mob = "Mob"
Add to Current Graph (Alt Click) = "Zu momentanem Graph hinzufügen (Alt-Klick)"
's Rage Gained From = "s erhaltene Wut von"
Set the maximum number of recorded fight segments = "Die maximale Anzahl an aufgezeichneten Kampfsegmenten festlegen"
Lag = "Latenz"
Specialized Realtime Graphs = "Spezielle Echtzeitgraphen"
Main = "Haupt"
Attack Summary Incoming (Click for Outgoing) = "Angriffszusammenfassung Eingehend (Klick für Ausgehend)"
Damage Abilities = "Schaden (Fähigkeit)"
Friendly Attacks = "Freundliche Angriffe"
's Runic Power Gained From = "s erhaltene Runenmacht von"
's HOT Uptime = "s HOT-Aktivzeit"
Window = "Fenster"