Breaking Raid Frames
timothyrichards opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Hey, not sure what would really be causing this to be completely honest but I have reproducible steps and some errors to work with.
This issue might be related to issue #13
While working on my own addons I had this same bug when I overwrote a default blizzard UI functions with a new value, in my case I was doing something like: PlayerFrame.SetPoint = function() end
I've tested this with all addons disabled except for ReforgeLite and BugSack + BugGrabber.
Whenever I'm in combat and in a group, if anyone leaves, joins, or a pet is summoned, or dies, I get a lua error:
[string "@!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua"]:485: in function <!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:485>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetPoint'
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXMLBase/FlowContainer.lua"]:176: in function `FlowContainer_DoLayout'
[string "@Blizzard_FrameXMLBase/FlowContainer.lua"]:17: in function `FlowContainer_ResumeUpdates'
[string "@Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames/Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.lua"]:185: in function `CompactRaidFrameContainer_LayoutFrames'
[string "@Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames/Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.lua"]:130: in function `CompactRaidFrameContainer_TryUpdate'
[string "@Blizzard_CompactRaidFrames/Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.lua"]:62: in function `CompactRaidFrameContainer_OnEvent'
[string "*Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.xml:79_OnEvent"]:1: in function <[string "*Blizzard_CompactRaidFrameContainer.xml:79_..."]:1>
_ = Frame {
RegisterEvent = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
0 = <userdata>
UnregisterEvent = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
SetScript = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:491
events = <table> {
ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:557
ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:557
PLAYER_LOGIN = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:551
LUA_WARNING = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:566
ADDON_LOADED = <function> defined @!BugGrabber/BugGrabber.lua:511
If you try to target the specific unit causing the error, it will also show this popup:
Steps to reproduce:
- Open group finder and create a custom party
- Enter combat with a target dummy
- Summon a pet while in combat or invite another player to the group
In my case I was on a shadow priest and summoned a Shadowfiend.
If the information is helpful, here are the settings I'm using for my raid frames profile:
If you need any more information from me I'd be happy to help provide that information!