Remix Gem Helper

Remix Gem Helper


Collapsible List and Grouped Gems

Chintagious opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Hi, I have two feature requests and a minor suggestion

  1. I'd love to be able to click on say "Cogwheel" and have it expand/collapse so I can look through the gems
  2. It'd be super helpful to have one gem name and have maybe a colored number next to it indicating how many there are of each level. For example Maybe something like "Critical Strike (In Bag: 1+ / 3++)"

Minor Suggestion:
It's difficult to quickly glance at the list and see which one is a section title (e.g. Cogwheel) and which is an actual gem name. If you could have some borders or indentation of gems under the list, that'd be great.



Will add some visual Clarity in a future update when doing the collapsable groups!