


Rep menu shows full blue bars with no faction names, no useable data

VStormborn opened this issue ยท 4 comments


When I open my rep menu (U), this is all I see: full blue bars with no descriptive text and no faction names. There's nothing to work with. I can't figure out what could be interfering/interacting with this addon to cause this issue. I didn't see anyone else mention this and I never had this issue before using RepHelper. The only thing that helps it is turning off the addon, then the rep panel goes back to normal.

WoW screenshot RepHelper

I noticed the title of the addon is RepHelper_Classic, but I see that it says it's up to date for 8.3. If I'm using the wrong version, please let me know.



Did you install it using Twitch Client?

There is an issue that happens sometimes that causes Twitch to download the classic version instead of the BFA one. So to fix it just remove the addon completely and try again, if you want to be sure that you get the correct version download and install it manually from here


Thanks, I'll try that. I did get it from Twitch.


There we go! It works now.
I know I've been using this addon for a while which means it was working and then this happened. Does that mean the Twitch client "updated" my addon to be the classic one when it used to be the retail version? That's super weird.
Anyway, thanks for the help.


Most likely something like that. It has been an issue that crops up randomly for quite a while now, one can only hope that they will fix it properly sometime. Glad it works now!