Issue thread for The War Within
tvlfrosty opened this issue · 10 comments
I am sure there will be plenty of issues coming with the release of The War Within expansion, I will make a full list here and hopefully I can fix all of them eventually.
- Move global reputation functions to their respected namespace C_Reputations, such as GetNumFactions and GetSelectedFaction.
- Fix detail window, as onclick is no longer properly working.
- Fix DumpReputationChangesToChat() for reputation changes.
- Fix the data within the datail window, as everything is currently empty.
- Fix the REP_BuildUpdateList() as it's not yet properly building the reputation lists.
- Fix the "View Renown" button in the Detail frame.
- Add /rep watch for tww, since "C_Reputation.SetWatchedFactionByID" is now available.
- Whenever "ReputationFrameMixin" is hidden/not shown the reputation events for printing reputation are being unregistered, so have to check how the reputation is normally still shown in the chat without the addon.
- Fix some faction's detail list as it shows x10000 for certain items giving 1 rep when it's only 3000 rep total.
- Fix the positioning of the options button
- Add The War Within factions
- #85
- SortByStanding functionality based on reputation levels (factions with only 6 reputation levels)
- Reputation values printed to chat based on reputation levels (Paragon reputations, or factions with other Standing labels)
- Renown Reputation gains go off-chart sometimes (perhaps due to quest giving more than 2500 renown)
- Friendship reputations for Warband isn't counting the reputation items correctly adds a negative value instead.
- ReputationDetailFrame sometimes randomly resets the SelectedFaction so the list of items shows up empty
If you have access to the Alpha / Beta for The War Within and come across anything that doesn't seem correct or any bugs, let me know here.
I am currently working on getting the base addon working again for The War Within on the beta.
the latest update made the game load super slow with the addon active. please use BugGrabber and BugSack to investigate, i had to turn the addon off to not wait 15 seconds in each loading screen
I will have a look at the issues with 11.0.2, It seems it has something to do with the togglable reputation headers
addon is still broken in 11.0.2
- having the rep bar appear when you get rep is not working
- advanced rep stats in chat is not working
both need to be disabled to see rep gain in chat at all
I found a temporary fix for the addon not showing the reputation changes in the chat I will post a new version later today. After that I will try and work on a permanent fix for the issue.